Iran confirms that it will not negotiate with the United States if it continues with its sanctions

Two days after resuming dialogue on the nuclear deal with Iran, the Islamic Republic has warned that it will not talk directly or indirectly with the United States until that country lifts all sanctions. Imposed by former President Donald Trump after he unilaterally abandoned the agreement.

“We will not talk directly or indirectly with the United States in Vienna,” the DPA news agency quoted Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi as saying.

According to the deputy minister who will head the Iranian delegation in the Austrian capital, the position of Prime Minister Hassan Rouhani’s government is “clear and simple”: Tehran will talk to the United States again if it returns to the nuclear agreement – also signed in 2015 with Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany – and if it lifts sanctions, as stipulated in the said agreement.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has made it clear that he will not lift the sanctions as a precondition for sitting down to dialogue with Iran, although he has given indications that he is willing to resume negotiations on the agreement.

Because, The powers still within the agreement – all but the United States – have promoted to meet next Tuesday in Vienna to begin tracking Trump’s measures and distance.

Although nothing predicts a radical and immediate turnaround from the United States on this issue, expectations are specific about the gestures that the US delegation might make this week and in the coming months to re-establish years-long negotiations and many commitments during the first government. Rouhani in Iran and another by Barack Obama in the United States.

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The nuclear agreement signed in 2015 stipulated that Iran would suspend its nuclear program – the United States, Europe and Israel accused it of seeking to develop nuclear weapons – in exchange for the entire international community lifting the sanctions that stifled its economy.

Although international auditors confirmed that Iran is doing its part, Trump and his strongest ally in this issue, Israel, denounced the opposite, and the United States abandoned the agreement, amid failed pleas from its European partners.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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