In Canada, they arrested a serial killer who pretended to be “Santa Claus” in a shopping center – Puerto Rico metro

“Santa Clause” He has always been presented as a very gentle and gentle character, who touches anyone he sees. However, this character’s image became completely dark due to Bruce MacArthur.

This man who held the position gardener in canadaShe also periodically worked as a “Santa Claus” in a mall in that country, taking advantage of the extra income this holiday season.

However, no one imagined that he would use that as a front to commit heinous crimes.

What are the crimes of “Santa Claus”?

turns up Bruce McArthur It was dedicated to killing gay men.

Most of his victims had something to do with the village, the gay neighborhood of Toronto‘, reported BBC Mundo in this regard.

Between 2010 and 2017, at least eight men were killed. The police chased this serial killer for seven years until they finally found his whereabouts.

As the saying goes, even the best hunter misses a hare. And it is that this killer was caught thanks to the fact that one of his victims managed to escape.

Bruce met Sean Crippen on an online dating site. Apparently, this is how the killer captured his prey.

On one of their dates, the killer drugged Cribbin with gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, rendering him unconscious for at least 20 minutes.

“He put a cap on my head and duct tape over my eyes,” Kripin describes. His hand was placed in a tube on my throat and he took a picture. It happened within 20 minutes.”

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The serial killer took pictures with his victims drugged and unconscious. Also, I photographed them as soon as they died.

Some of the victims

Sacha Woodward

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