“I wish I could not feel my face.”

The United States, Canada and Mexico are affected b cold wave Which leaves the temperatures up to 50 degrees Celsius below zero in some US states. Despite this, the world needs to keep getting information, so many reporters have to contend with a winter blizzard and Report from some of the affected places.

This is the situation Mark Woodleya journalist for the NBC News television network KWWL, who lived in his own body The blizzard that hits a large part of the countryThis made it difficult for him to do his job and report living in a snowstorm.

According to the New York Times, the journalist is, in fact sports broadcaster, but was posted as a reporter while the massive storm system was advancing. Speaking with the broadcaster, Woodley stated that because of the storm, sports were cancelled, so: “What better time to ask a sportsman to come About five hours before you usually wake upStand up to the wind, snow, and cold and tell others not to do the same? He added sarcastically to his words.

However, his intervention did not end there, as he had to continue TV connections throughout the day And it is not surprising that it did not go well with him: “Listen for the next two hours to watch me more and more nerves.”

In one of his many interventions, he reported on the condition of his body before temperature From the outside: “The good news is, I can still feel my face at the moment.” Despite the difficult time he had in the great outdoors, he said it ironically The bad news is, I wish I couldn’t. Go home as soon as possible.

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In his last interjections, despondent, he asked the presenter if he could go back to his regular job: “I’m pretty sure, Ryan, you added an extra hour to the program just because Someone likes to torture meHowever, while reporting his situation, he indirectly reported that the cold was getting worse with time: “Compared to two and a half hours ago, it’s getting colder and colder.”

Amber Cross

"Music buff. Unapologetic problem solver. Organizer. Social media maven. Web nerd. Incurable reader."

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