How to free up space used by Apple’s Mail app on iPhone or iPad

Apple Mail does not have specific tools to regulate how much memory it takes up. (Getty Images)

Users iPhone And IPAD You are having trouble managing storage Mail application to Manzanawhich can take up gigabytes of emails and attachments which frees up space for indexing and searching Spotlights.

An official solution to this problem has not yet been provided ManzanaHowever, there are alternative ways to manage and reduce the app’s space usage.

To check which space mail (mail in Spanish), you must follow these steps:

sign in to session And look for the option general

He chooses iPhone storage.

– Go to the bottom of the list and find Mail app, there you can see exactly how much storage space the app is using.

An impractical solution is to manually delete the emails, select them, and move them to the Trash. (Manzana)

Once we know exactly how much space the app takes up, there are several options to reduce it, such as the traditional method of manually deleting emails, which can be counterproductive because each one picks out unwanted messages, especially those containing attached filesAnd transfer them to paperclip; It carries risks and is time consuming.

The complexity arises because any email that is deleted from the device will also be deleted from the server if the email is configured using Internet Message Access Protocol.

This is why users should be careful and check whether their email account settings are related to the protocol. Access via IMAP Before performing any type of manual cleaning that may result in the possibility of losing important information.

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In addition, those who want to specifically search for emails containing attachments can do so through the “Filter by” option, which can be accessed in the application interface. Post/mail.

Although this practice can be understood as a popular solution for those looking to get rid of unwanted emails and files, it is recommended to consider alternative methods or automated tools that avoid the disruptive effects that come with deleting emails.

Deleting and re-adding the email account appears to be a better alternative, as it causes Mail to restart and delete offline copies of emails. (Getty Images)

Deleting and reintroducing email accounts associated with the Mail app can be an effective strategy to resolve sync issues and help the app start from a clean, uncomplicated start.

This procedure is especially convenient for those who use protocols Access via IMAP also exchangebecause it will not mean losing emails previously stored on the server.

To implement this solution, the steps include going to session Device,access Mail > Accountsselect the account in question and choose the option delete account.

After that, it is necessary to turn off the device and restart it iPhone also IPAD To ensure complete clearing of offline cache.

When you reopen the email application, the system will ask for the email account details again, thus starting New download messages and eliminate accumulations of cached emails and attachments.

It should be noted that before proceeding with deleting and adding accounts, it is advisable to check that the emails are backed up on the server or contain to support. In this way, the risk of losing valuable information is reduced to a minimum and continued access to important messages is ensured.

Other services may be a viable option, as they tend to use less storage space. (Unsplash)

Another solution is to use alternative email applications, e.g gmail also Prospectswhich tends to use less storage space because it can be configured to handle emails without resorting to native application storage.

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Additionally, they can sync calendars and contacts without having to take up space with the app. maildeactivate this function by going to Settings > clicking on Mail > and selecting Accounts.

Moreover, this recommendation comes in response to the lack of options available on the part of… Manzana To monitor storage usage directly in your Mail app.

Finally, the most radical solution would be to remove the application completely e-mailwhich can be done from Settings > General > iPhone Storage.

This procedure does not mean losing emails on the server and the email application can be reinstalled at any time App Store.

In fact, this last resource ensures that the storage space occupied by the application remains free, without affecting access to emails via other means.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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