How do new generations celebrate motherhood?

A recent survey conducted by Censuswide, commissioned by accessory brand Pandora, revealed this Millennials and centenarians are recognizing and celebrating motherhood from a new perspective.

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And although Mother’s Day has been celebrated for years, honoring biological mothers, New generations will celebrate this kind of dating with someone who is not their mother.

According to the survey, which was attended by 12,708 people between the ages of 16 and 41 in 12 countries, more than 90% plan to celebrate this Mother’s Day (May 10), but what is surprising is that51% of those surveyed plan to honor someone who is not their biological mother.

However, nearly half of those surveyed stated that they had more than one maternal figure in their lives, while 25% of those interviewed indicated that they had someone who embodied this role, but who was not their biological mother.

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In front of the questions that were asked, the researchers identified one question:What does the word “mother” mean to you? “He who bears a sonIt stated in the report.

The survey confirms that we need to redefine how we celebrate Mother’s Day and embrace the diversity of motherhood. It can be anyone who takes on this important role, such as a grandmother, teacher, or aunt. Anyone who shows this motherly lovecommented Frédérique Gouzard, Senior Vice President, Global Business Unit for the Pandora brand.

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On the other hand, the survey also confirmed that gifts are still an important part of this special day. “Nearly two-thirds plan to surprise a loved one with a gift, and jewelry is the third most popular category.”

*The survey was conducted in the UK, US, Mexico, Australia, China, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, Denmark and Hong Kong, between 10 and 16 January 2023.


Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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