“Hispanoamérica,” a film about the little and poorly told history of America and Spain

Madrid, March 14 (EFE).- The documentary “Latin America, a Common Future” seeks to raise awareness about the shared history between America and Spain, which is often little and bad.

“They awakened the knowledge of three hundred years of common history between Latin America and Spain, which is so forgotten and it is necessary to realize what our common history was,” he emphasized in an interview with EFE. Madrid: Director José Luis López Linares.

Lopez Linares directs and produces this work, which after its premiere in Spain this month will reach theaters in Mexico in October and from there to other American countries such as the United States.

A shared future

“I made it for our children,” he comments about the film, which he felt compelled to make in the spirit of “throwing away those prejudices and those lies that we were told, and holding our heads up” and looking to the future.

It was filmed in Ecuador, Spain, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico and the United States, and one of its messages is that they told us the story wrong and we believed it.

The documentary is about “discovering a world that is ours and that we don’t know,” with something like “almost the magic of discovering America again, but for everyone, for Americans and Spaniards, discovering a world that we have in common today,” he emphasizes.

López Linares (Madrid, 1955), winner of three Goya Awards for Spanish cinema, adds: “It is an awakening of consciousness, creating a need for us to know our history. It is like a blow, a blow, a call.”

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Connections like language, shared by some 500 million speakers of Spanish as their mother tongue, are the protagonists of a documentary born of the need to show that “if we are united, we are stronger.”

Women in history

Another link in this shared history is the role of women, as the director emphatically asserts that Latin America cannot be understood without the Catholic Isabel, Malinche or the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The Queen laid the foundations of what was known as the New World, for without Doña Marina it would have been impossible for Hernán Cortés to go down in history, and this devotion extends throughout the continent, to the point of finding an image of this Virgin “in the gas station of the United States.”

He highlights that these three factors are “fundamental to the birth of Spanish civilization.”

Incidentally, “new generations don't know who Cortes was,” he warns, because “nothing is taught” about those three centuries until the three colonial-era states, which ranged from Alaska to Patagonia, became 23 nations. “.

“They erased that history, they moved from Mexico to Mexican independence, forgetting the three hundred years in between,” he gives as an example.

Although this awareness is “awakening” in both Spain and America, because many people are “already tired of being harassed” by a lot of black myths, he says.

Voices of America

The vast majority of the testimonies come from America, in the voices of historians, musicians, religious people and many others, nearly eighty, because their idea is that if we talk about Cortes, it must be the Mexicans who do it.

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Juan Miguel Zunzonigi and Enrique Krauz from Mexico, Marcelo Golo from Argentina, Adelaide Sagarra and Carmen Iglesias from Spain, Carlos Llanez from Venezuela and Ramón Mujica from Peru are some of the historians whose stories accompany images of art, music or architectural heritage. from America.

Spanish musician Francisco Núñez, for example, explains how the cajón, found today in flamenco in Spain, was born in Peru.

The premiere of this new work from his production company, López-Li Films, in Spain on March 12, coincides with annual celebrations such as the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Peru and the evangelization of America, which will be celebrated in 2024.

Terry Alexander

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