Healthy eating: why what we eat is so important

A healthy diet is one that contains a variety of foods and all the necessary nutrients. It should include products of plant origin, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, olive oil and seeds, and to a lesser extent foods of animal origin, such as red meat, fish, eggs, cheese and other dairy products.

Not only what we eat matters, but how much of everything we eat and how we prepare the food we put on the plate. In this sense, the hustle and bustle of life today, with the constant feeling that “we don’t have time” to consciously shop and cook, threatens a good diet.

“Lack of time means that we are increasingly moving away from healthy eating and choosing patterns that affect our eating habits. This leads us to the rapid and rapid consumption of foods of generally poor nutritional quality, which are processed or precooked, are high in calories, and are full of salt and sugar. and fat,” said Diego Quiers, Head of Nutrition. In Corkian Neurology.

Develop good habits

Forming good eating habits is an excellent disease prevention tool. A poor diet can not only promote obesity, but it is also a risk factor for comorbidities.

“Diets high in salt, fat and sugar contribute to the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, with consequences and a negative impact on our health,” warned Mr. Kerez. He noted that “these behaviors, in addition to physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle, are involved in the formation of metabolic risk factors such as overweight, obesity, cerebrovascular disease, hypercholesterolemia, vascular risk, and arterial hypertension, among others.”

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To achieve a healthy and balanced diet, it is essential to organize and plan our meals as well as take a few minutes to enjoy them. The specialist explained that “increasing our awareness when we eat helps us control what we eat, how we eat, and the amount of food we eat.”

Some tips for

Eat well

For all of this, Mr. Querze recommends following these guidelines for a healthy diet:

l Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables

To choose whole grains

l Inclusion of fish in the diet

L – Eat lean and low-fat meats

Choose low-fat dairy products

l Drink plenty of water throughout the day

l Prepare food at home to have more control over ingredients

l Choose healthier cooking methods (steaming instead of frying, for example)

l Use natural herbs and spices to flavor foods

For viewing portion sizes

To read food labels

l Avoid salt, sugary drinks and foods high in salt, fat and sugar

The good news is that there is always time to ditch harmful habits and incorporate healthy ones. “Fortunately, a high percentage of the population are starting to take into account and worry about eating a diet that is healthier and includes good habits,” said Mr Querze.

He added that it is necessary to pay attention to what you eat in all stages of life, especially in childhood, as it is the moment when a person acquires the eating habits that he will follow throughout his life.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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