Health and Wellbeing: Yoga classes for people who use wheelchairs or have limited mobility

Written by Eugenia Victoria Troppo-Vaugas.

Over time, after you have already entered Puberty and old agethe body goes Loss of mobility in the joints. Similarly, Muscles begin to lack strength. Hence, we must remember that physical exercise is always necessary and vital at all stages of life.

In the case of older people, regular physical activity helps Strengthen and prevent loss of muscle massFor balance training, you should always consult your family doctor who recommends the exercises that should be performed. However, there are recreational routines that all types of people can do, even those with little or no mobility. This is the situation Yogaa discipline that uses different Physical positions And multiple Meditation and breathing exercises To improve public health status.

“I meet people who are in very good physical condition, and they have never stopped exercising. There are others who have very limited mobility. So, If one knows that the body has seven physical references, we try to move them all. “We're talking about the wrists, feet and neck joints.” Dora Diaz, Master of Yoga Therapy and Therapeutic Yogaspecializing in Yoga for seniors By the Argentine Yoga Federation; In conversation with Telewave Digital.

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Dora has been working with seniors for years. Whether at his institute, the Yoga Center in Buenos Aires, or in… Encuentro y Salud Retirement Center Balvanera (CABA), a place that receives dozens of retired professionals who, during their working years, carried out tasks in Dr. Juan P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospitala place of excellence in the field of free public health.

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“Working with them is like working with my colleagues”He highlighted, in addition, that “working with older people is essential The ability to find all those things that were lost along the path of life And now, the ability to manage it again but from another place. We won't be twenty anymore, but as much as possible, We try to be able to take care of our body so that our soul wants to live in it.“.

You may be interested in: Watch full yoga classes for people with limited mobility here

In a typical yoga class, teacher Dora confirms this Attendees leave with a different attitude, Regardless of physical level.” “We aim for body position, and torso. And also the hip so that people can improve their posture and not lose their independence when walking, in addition, We work on emotions He explained that through the positions of the face, hands and feet.

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Yoga exercises for people in wheelchairs: Tips to consider when approaching the activity

The lack of body movement or its absence, as a result of the years, logically does not constitute an obstacle to enjoying, relaxing, exercising, working on the energy side, and participating with peers. With desire, motivation and a good attitude, everyone can enjoy yoga. “Those who don't dare, I ask you to come and see what we do. You can really do yoga with a little movement. We can all do yoga poses, regardless of our mobility.Diaz's highlights Telewave Digitalencouraging all retirees who want to delve deeper into this wonderful matter Ancient art, spiritual and physical.

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For example, Dora shares the case of an elderly student who regains her independence thanks to yoga. Being able to stand on its own. How important is that, right? “she Attend yoga therapy And this is what he seeks Regain your walking independence. That is, their independence will be granted to them through Muscular strength And the Joint movement “I can recover,” he shared.

There is no doubt that anyone can exercise and be physically active, regardless of their individual condition. Yoga is all-inclusive. All you have to do is be encouraged to discover a new world, which will bring countless benefits to the body, mind and spirit. “To give an example, in routine, when we say “Open my chest”It leads us to bring the shoulder blades together. We bring our shoulders back and open our chests, because Its closure is a sad stance of introspection. Therefore, it is necessary to open it to show joy, desire and desire. It's a simple exercise where… Not only am I giving strength to my back, I'm also working on my spiritual area.Just like with the hands and face,” concluded Dora in an exclusive staff interview Telewave Digital.

Video editing: Martina Tortonesi.

Press Edition: Roxana Toral Reyes.

Scroll up and watch the yoga exercises for people with limited mobility in the video!

Aileen Morales

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