Guillermo Lasso, the banker is always there | Elishio …

Guillermo LassoEntrepreneur, shareholder and former president of Banco de Guayaquil, and Former Economy Minister who was in charge of the Bank Holiday and Corralito prior to the dollarization of Ecuador. Lasso, rackets too Her fortune increased in that period between 1999 and 2000, going from one million advertisers to $ 31 million With the bonds that he bought after the bank holiday.

This will be it Laso ran for the third time in a row as a presidential candidate. Born in the coastal city of Guayaquil, he is the youngest of 11 siblings, a member of Opus Dei, attracts mostly traditional voters in the coastal region, and appears to have garnered the support of an alliance of groups opposing the citizenry revolution in Korea. After the 2013 and 2017 elections.

Aparicio Caicedo, who is preparing the candidate’s government’s plan, assured that “Lasso is a capable and honest leader. A person who is ready to rule this country and does not need to improvise because he has a plan drawn up for many years for Ecuador.”

Lasso, from He takes pride in working since he was 15 years old With undergraduate studies in economics, a graduate degree in business administration, and an honorary doctorate from the University of the Americas, he confirmed to El Universo in 2012 that life had made him a liberal, a philosophy he still defends.

It was Two government officials were unable to finish their terms of office due to the mass protests and the economic crises that caused it. He was Minister of Economy under Jamil Moawad, when the country passed the bank and coralito license that preceded the dollarization of the country. He also took over as Governor of Guayas and Ambassador-at-Large to Presidency Lucio Gutierrez, a position he held briefly in 2003 until the president was forced to leave power in a helicopter.

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He was also responsible for the acquisition of Mavesa, the local representative of the Japanese truck manufacturer Hino, who later sold him during the financial crisis that ravaged the country in 1999, when he was senior minister for the economy, with the aim of making use of the capital. the bank.

After the failed Gutierrez government, Lasso first joined the liberal movement UNO, but he did not run in the presidential elections until 2011, when he decided to form the Crio coalition with former members of UNO, Izquierda Democrática, Movimiento Concertación, and private sector leaders. He lost to Raphael Correa by a large margin. In 2017, he lost only two percentage points to Lenin Moreno.

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Ecuador Elections: Pachacutec Candidate

Yaku Perez, indigenous leader

Yaku Perez, Pachacutec Party, Photo: AFP

With the political capital of the October 2019 protests – when He became one of the most media leaders in the indigenous protest against the Moreno government– Yaco Perez, activist and former governor, It aspires for the first time to the presidency of Ecuador with an environmental and ecumenical speech That seeks to capture Ecuadorians tired of polarization in the country.

He is 51 years old and defines himself as “close to the flexible left” and a fighter of “sectarianism”. He was born in the Kachibukara community, in the Andean Azway Province, Perez spent his childhood on a farm where his parents were workers. At the age of five, she was in charge of searching for water for her home, an experience that taught her to appreciate and defend this resource, something she would do later through her activism. Its name, Quechua, means mountain water. Grievances he witnessed on the farm, where his employer mistreated his family, led him to study law and become the premier attorney in his community.

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Perez has completed four postgraduate courses in watershed management, environmental law, indigenous justice and criminal law. He won the nomination of Pachacutec Party, the political arm of the indigenous movement, after a standoff with the Union of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (KONI), the other president of the best-organized SPLM with the greatest mobilization capacity in a country.

very He was president of the Federation of Quechua Peoples of Ecuador for two terms between 2013 and 2019For the third time it was introduced Elected Governor of Azway for the period 2019-2023A position from which he resigned in October of last year to register his candidacy for the presidency.

“My biggest dream is that, whether it is me or whatever, the fate of Ecuador’s history changes, those who sleep on an empty stomach.”Perez, who is also president of the Andean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations (CAOI), said in a recent newspaper interview: Universe.

He started his political career in 1996, when He was a chancellor of the southern city of Cuenca, later becoming president of the Association of Indigenous and Peasant Organizations of Azuay (FOA) In 2003. His candidacy as a candidate for Pachacutec came precisely from the FOA, whose current leader, Mario Varese, confirmed that he is the most suitable person because of his experience in defending the rights of his community, for his knowledge of the national and international reality. And for good relationship with societies.

The lover of nature and the only one (the thought that considers the universe, nature, and God are one), His life was also marked by activism in defense of water resources and his opposition to mining concessions. These struggles turned it into One of the most prominent opponents of the government of former President Rafael Correa. He was arrested five times for participating in protests during the former president’s government. Perez spoke in the 2017 election for Guillermo Lasso, The conservative candidate who faced Lenin Moreno in the second round, then Dolphin Correa who won in the end. He defended at the time: “The banker is better than dictatorship.”

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