Gmail trick to get more storage space without paying a single peso – Enséñame de Ciencia

Source: La Sexta

In the digital age, Google accounts have become an essential part of our daily lives. From accessing your Android phone to using basic services like play store, Google Drive, the pictures And of course, gmailThese calculations are necessary. But over time we noticed that Free storage space It can become a challenge, especially when sharing emails daily. But don't worry, in this article we will guide you through Gmail evolution Over the years, we will give you the basic tricks to get it More space without spending a dime.

Gmail evolution

In its early days, Gmail revolutionized the way we do business e-mail. With an intuitive and generous interface Free storage spaceIt quickly conquered the digital world. However, like everything in life, it has evolved. Gmail now offers up to 15 GB spaceshared with Google Drive And the pictures. Although this number may seem generous, it may not be enough for those who regularly send and receive large files.

How do you get more storage space?

If you have reached the point where your account gmail It's almost useless due to space constraints, don't worry. There is a solution without having to spend money on Monthly subscription. Here's a step-by-step guide to optimizing your space gmail:

  1. Check for updates: Before diving into the settings, make sure gmail is updated. This can resolve performance issues.
  2. You will need your cell phone to access: Open the application gmail On your phone. If you encounter a red notification indicating there is not enough space, don't panic; It is the first step to solving the problem.
  3. To free up space: push the button “Free up space» You will be redirected to a window in your browser.
  4. Suggested categories: Scroll down and go to section «Free up space in the suggested categories“.
  5. Determine the weight of emails that matter to you: Examine the categories and decide which ones weigh the most. For example, you may find thatEmails with attachments“They are the main culprits.
  6. Analyze and ignore: handle “review» Mark emails that you consider unnecessary. Then delete it by clicking on the trash icon.
  7. Now more space: By editing these files, your space is on gmail It will expand significantly. However, keep in mind that these files cannot be recovered, so make sure you do not delete anything important.
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Source: Greenwalds-Canva
“What if I want to pay?”

If you need more Gmail storage and are willing to pay for it, you can follow these steps to purchase an additional storage plan:

  1. Access your Google account: Log in to your Google account. You can do this by visiting Google's website and entering your email address and password.
  2. Go to storage settings: Once you're signed in, find your account icon in the top right corner of the screen. Click and select “Manage your Google Account.”
  3. Select “Storage”: Under your account settings, look for the option that says “Storage” or “Manage Storage.” This section will show you how much space you've used and give you options to purchase more.
  4. Explore storage plans: In the Storage section, you'll find details about your current usage and available storage plans. Google generally offers different size options and different monthly prices.
  5. Choose and pay for the desired plan: Choose the plan that best suits your needs and click “Buy.” You'll be redirected to the payment page, where you can enter your credit card information or select a valid payment method associated with your Google Account.
  6. Confirm purchase: After entering your payment information, confirm your purchase. Google will process the payment and update your account with the new storage limit.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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