Galician researchers will unite science and fun in cities through G-Night

The Night of Galician Scholars, J KnightFor the second year, you will bring science closer to the population in a playful way Streets, beaches, bars, campuses Under the slogan creative awareness On Friday 30th September.

The event was coordinated by University of Vigo in which the University of Santiago and A Coruña participateas well as various Institutes and Scientific EntitiesIt will be shared by a large number of Faculty and research staff You will show science from a different perspective It will capture those who enjoy any of the myriad workshops and activities that will take place in Seven Galician cities on day 30

The initiative is part of a celebration of European that happens around 400 cities On the continent since 2005 and with a presence in almost all Spanish Autonomous Communities. Although this year the Galician G-Night did not receive European funding, universities were able to launch what will be its second edition.

coordinator UDC’s Scientific Publishing Unit Christina NayaHe highlighted the good reception of the activities held last year and hopes that the record of participation will at least be the same as it was 12 months ago. “Citizens respond well when they are offered a Attractive eventIn addition, he is becoming more aware and interested in science,” she explains. G-Night seeks to impart this training branch to people outside, or outside of that, what researchers do and what they work in. For the most part, “we researchers live,” she explains. On the aid that comes from the pockets of citizens and we want to show our work and what our responsibility is in society as a whole.”

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Activities in A Coruña and Ferrol

As a member of the UDC, Christina Naya highlighted some of the proposals that will be held in A Coruña and Ferrol over the course of Friday, September 30.

In the city of Hercules, the bulk of the programming will be done From 6:00 pm With, for example, the workshops in the Plaza de Mary Peta on me social conscienceabout him microbiomewhere children will be able to understand that the human body is colonized by microorganisms, or others which will allow the attendees to taste and investigate the seaweed.

Among the many options, Naya highlights a Night walk in the city Guided by the experts in sustainable public lighting As well as the talk that will be hosted spoiled bar on me methane carriers. It will delve into the natural gas supply chain in the current geopolitical context that the European continent is going through.

LNG ship. Photo: J Knight

Ferrol It will also have various activities, among them Guided visit Either in the morning or in the afternoon Doninos Lagoon, the largest fresh water in Galicia. During the tour, the experts will convey to the public the importance of studying these water reservoirs in order to learn about the environmental changes that occurred in the past and to be able to manage those that will occur in the future.

Doninos Lagoon. Photo: Ferrol Tours

G-Night will also be presented in the county city 3D printing workshop or activity to be displayed in Large-scale ship models In the article channel of Citeni, among other interesting proposals.

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Both the activities previously mentioned and those that complement the program in A Coruña and Ferrol, as well as in Santiago, Lugo, Vigo, Pontevedra and OurenseDetails on the page G-Night. Some of them have limited capacity so it may be necessary to register in advance.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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