For the philosopher, the results of science are “exploited by political power” | newspaper

Luis Lacalle Poe, at a press conference with GACH, in the Executive Tower of Montevideo (archived, December 2020).

Luis Lacalle Poe, at a press conference with GACH, in the Executive Tower of Montevideo (archived, December 2020).

Photo: Ernesto Ryan راي

Gustavo Pereira questioned the government’s use of GACH today and asserted that “manipulation” of information weakens public debate.

American philosopher John Rawls says that truth is the first virtue of systems of thought, because justice is the virtue of institutions. Gustavo Pereira, Doctor of Philosophy and Director of the Department of Philosophy of Practice in the university’s Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences explains: “Systems of thought – science and knowledge without truth, collapse and institutions without the collapse of justice” of the Republic.

The date is important because this week, in an interview in underlinedPresident Louis Lacalle Poe made a series of statements that generated…

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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