Felix Salgado Macedonio threatened to reveal Lorenzo Cordova’s address and insulted him: “Caproncito”

Felix Salgado MacedonioAspire to be a governor Guerrero to Brown woman, Sparked his criticism of the General Council of the National Institute for Elections (INE) and Seven councilors Who voted to remove his candidacy, A few hours after the sanctions imposed on former candidates from the National Renewal Movement were reviewed.

In particular he indicated Lorenzo Cordova, INE chief, who threatened him with revealing his personal data if he did not comply with Morenoite’s demands.

“If they are not acquitted, we will immediately tell them, We will find the seven (advisors), we will search for them and see Cordova, Don’t the people of Mexico want to know where Lorenzo Cordova lives? How is your little house, made of a black sheet, when it rains and it gets wet, yeah? You little bastard! “, He shouted to his revived supporters with phrases like “There is a bull!

Lorenzo Cordova (Photo: Quartoscore)

“We will not allow anger and that Do not scratch the bull eggs because they will find usWe have the support of the people, we are the majority, ”warned Macedonio outside the National Institute of Statistics headquarters building, where he also shouted that the Electoral College has them.dead“.

With candles and a funeral wreath, Salgado confirmed that the building of this institute will be transformed into a hospital affiliated with the Institute of Health for Well-Being (INSABI), Where the poor are taken care of.

On Sunday afternoon, a convoy of Morena supporters, led by Felix Salgado, from Guerrero, arrived at the National Institute of Statistics facilities in Mexico City.

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For this part, Mario Delgado Morena’s leader said before the meeting that his party had no other way to think about but to keep Felix Salgado as his running mate for Guerrero governor, “There is no backup plan, Felix will be the governorHe was sentenced.

dark room
dark room

This was only the beginning of dimes and speeches, because he emphasized throughout his speech that his struggle is currently a defense of democracy, which he preached. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Today, what is calling us here is the struggle for democracy, the struggle for freedom, the struggle to live in a true democracy. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador taught us to fight, and not to surrender until we make the people of Mexico responsible, and we will not give up. ” Delgado argued.

He noted in this regard that Lorenzo Cordova and Siro Murayama, With their partial work in favor of PRIAN, they convert INE into a “Crush of thieves”When they must ensure the conduct of fair elections and respect for the popular will.

Delgado also denounced it “The corruption mafia wants to steal from Morena what she cannot win in the elections.”; According to the politician, the people have already decided and done it in favor of change.

People have already decided that Felix Salgado Macedonio will be the next Governor of Guerrero and Raul Moron Orozco, the next Governor of Michoacan.He insisted.

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