Feeling -51.9 ° C and -60 ° C: Canada recorded its lowest temperature since 2017 – RCI

In Waikwete, in the Northwest Territories, this Sunday the systems set a record 51.9 ° C. Photo: iStock

The The Canadian winter cold intensified in the last hours Almost all of Canada, but there are regions They broke records and sensation reached -60 degrees Celsius.

Extreme temperatures are the result of a Polar vortex That was installed in the western regions of the country on Sunday and that Expected to stay for several days.

at Wiquiti, in the northwestern provincesThis Sunday, systems set the record 51.9 degrees Celsius, which has become Canada’s lowest temperature since March 2017.

The Arctic cold snap I also felt it in the wild, specifically in Uranium City It is located northwest of Saskatchewan – where A. Record the temperature for the area of ​​-48.9 ° C. at Ki Lake, In the same county, Mercury was marked -48.2 ° C And in Sheboyian Fort, Alberta, The temperature was -47.2 degrees.

It is important to note that these are the temperatures, that is It does not take into account the sensation due to the wind factor. If this item is considered, The area worst affected by the extreme cold is Lake Ennadai, in Nunavut, which on Saturday 6 February recorded a noise of -66 ° C.

Schools open and close

Extreme cold is like this during Monday School transportation didn’t operate in much of Saskatchewan, One of the governorates hardest hit by low temperatures.

The Schools, however, remain open.

In this county, the majority of school transportation is decided Do not work when the feeling is -45 ° C.

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Environment Canada, The federal agency that monitors the weather explains on its website that it is extremely cold It will remain a good part of the week. With winds of 10-20 km / h, The intense sensations will continue at -40 and -50 degrees Celsius on Monday in the southern region of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. It will continue to be cold in the wild in the week ».

Other cities in the south, Although they do not suffer from severe colds, They also feel the harshness of a typical Canadian winter.

For example in Montreal, The Feeling around -20 degrees, At the same time Toronto Mercury represents this Monday -10 ° C, But the feeling is closer to -20.

Other cities in the south, such as Montreal, have never experienced such low-lying sensations, but the cold remains intense. Photo: iStock


She also warns Environment Canada They represent extreme temperatures Danger to children and the elderly, Sufferers chronic diseases, World Health Organization Work in the open air and the homeless.

The Federal Agency’s recommendation is that those who must leave the house Wear appropriate clothing, in layersAnd make sure that the outward appearance Wind resistance.

“It’s too cold for him to stay outside, and so is his pet,” he warns.

Other recommendations for extreme cold

  • Dressing in layers It is usually a good idea to avoid using your warmest clothing. In this way, If it gets too hot, you can remove the layers gradually and prevent the sweat from getting cold.
  • try to Avoid jeansBecause these pants cool faster than other types of pants
  • Try to prevent Cold gets into the body. If you will be outdoors for a long time, it is best to use gloves Gloves, As it allows more heat to be preserved at Keep your fingers in touch.
  • Avoid cotton as much as possible, As this material tends to absorb moisture more quickly. It may end with feeling wet feet.
  • Plan your trips To avoid having to wait for the bus for a long time, for example.
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RCI with information from Environment Canada and the Weather Network

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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