Enrique Bosch, one of the founders of INIDEP . passed away

The National Institute for Research and Development of Fisheries (INIDEP) has reported with great sadness that the famous Argentine scientist Enrique Eduardo Bosque has died at the age of 93.

He received his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), specializing in the Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami (USA). A senior researcher at CONICET, focused in biological oceanography and marine biology, he was a consulting professor in the School of Exact and Natural Sciences.

He was one of the most prominent marine sciences men. One of the founders of the Institute of Marine Biology (IBM 1960-1977) which was based on the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), the National University of La Plata (UNLP), the National University of the South (UNS) and the Executive of the Province of Buenos Aires.

IBM became the National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP), where Dr. Boschi continued his career as a researcher and became its director after the return of democracy in 1983.

His major contributions are consistent with the field of fisheries biology and the biogeography of American Decapod crustaceans. “Enthusiastic and dedicated researcher. Builder of the team and an advance to an environmental vision for natural scientists. Instructor for those of us I have had the privilege of knowing,” identified Oscar Baden, current director of INIDEP and a student in Biological Oceanography, a discipline Boschi teaches at the Institute of Marine Biology, as a summer course at the university. Buenos Aires.

Boschi was president of the Argentinean Association of Natural Sciences and the Latin American Association of Oncology. During his career he received many honors and recognitions. Received the Connex Prize in Animal Biology (2003); Second National Prize for General Biology, Zoology and Botany from the Ministry of National Education. He also received the award from the Brazilian Society of Oncology at the Brazilian Crustacean Congress in São Paulo (Brazil, 2000).

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Martín Erlich was his student and later became a Fellow of INIDEP. He remembers her with a mixture of fondness and nostalgia. Encourage students to work in the classroom but also in the water. He would go out with the Cruz del Sur, the Fao ship, and then make arrangements with the captains of the little yellow boats,” Ehrlich recalls.

“I took them on days that lasted all day and they fished, took water samples from the caught species. He was passionate,” sums up Ehrlich, which identifies another Boschi-defining fact. “Until a few years ago I kept going to INIDEP. He said that after his family was his second home.”

Gifted at manual labor, he is obsessed with order and cleanliness in the building, even making ashtrays out of beer cans to prevent employees from throwing cigarette butts on the floor. “But he made them so cute that people sent them back to their labs. He had to make other ashtrays and they were more beautiful,” Ehrlich recalls.

During his scholarly and academic career, Boschi published and participated in more than 175 works. As responsible editor of INIDEP’s Editorial Committee, he has curated valuable works such as the series “The Argentine Sea and Its Fish Resources” and “La Vida Entre Mareas”, to name a few. He promoted the Journal of Fisheries Research and Development, Today MAFIS, and the Scientific Documents Series.

His scientific output was notable, and he had many pupils who were able to convey his enthusiasm for his work, optimism, and passion for marine biology.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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