England keeps valuable Armada maps indomitable thanks to sponsorship | What’s up the news

London, January 29th (EFE). The National Museum of the British Royal Navy will retain some valuable maps of the 1588 Spanish Fleet Invincible Armada disaster, after obtaining them thanks to a sponsorship campaign that allowed it to collect 600,000 pounds (about 680,000 euros / 825,000 dollars) in two months.

The first investigations into these rare maps representing the naval battles between Spain and the United Kingdom revealed that they were first drawn in 1589, which is why they are the oldest that have been saved from the battle, and since then they have become, and the museum said in a statement that no one remains from this country.

This historical treasure consists of ten ink and watercolor maps that represent a watershed moment in England’s maritime and national history, with each map detailing the location of British and Spanish ships in the English Channel.

The cartography dates back to the Anglo-Spanish War of 1585-1604 and launched by King Philip II to attempt an invasion of England, which ended in the historic defeat of Spain.

The eight-week sponsorship campaign was funded largely by the British Heritage Foundation, the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the non-governmental organization Art Fund, which raises funds to help purchase artworks for the United Kingdom, along with independent donations from British citizens.

Dominic Tweed, CEO of the National Museum of the Royal Navy, said: “I express my gratitude to all who have answered our call for financial assistance to save these exceptional maps in such a difficult year as 2020.”

The Minister of State for Culture, Caroline Dennage, also showed her pride in this exceptional treasure preserved, which she described as “an important piece of British heritage that will remember this decisive naval battle.”

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“These maps not only spark an iconic event in the history of England, but also reflect on the impact of history in the present,” added Sarah Philip, Program and Policy Director at the Art Fund.

Terry Alexander

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