Elanco promotes initiatives to help improve the well-being of veterinary professionals

This year's World Veterinary Day celebrates the veterinarian as an essential health professional. Elanco Animal Health is joining this celebration to highlight not only the work that veterinary professionals do, but also the importance of taking care of their health and well-being.

In this sense, Elanco launches Vitavit, a platform dedicated to providing support to the veterinary community. Save this space Helpful tips aimed at improving the professional and personal health of veterinarians. The content of these recommendations is supported by scientific data and was prepared in collaboration with renowned experts.

As part of this initiative, and to express its solidarity with the profession, the Elanco team created VitaVet candy, specially designed for veterinary professionals. During the week of April 22, more than 6,700 clinics in Spain and Portugal received a VitaVet box as a gift. Additionally, on April 24 and 25, Elanco volunteers personally distributed VitaVet treats at veterinary clinics, demonstrating their support for this group.

More information at: https://vetnia.es/programa/campana-dia-mundial-de-la-veterinaria-2024/

Numerous studies and reports have highlighted that veterinarians in pet clinics are particularly affected by stress, burnout, and suffer from anxiety.. “At Elanco, we recognize this daily reality for veterinary professionals and want to offer them all our support to help overcome the challenges they face in their daily lives, as well as help them improve their well-being.” Amanda Andreveterinarian and marketing manager, PH Prescription Products, Iberia of Elanco Animal Health.

The VitaVet initiative is part of the Vetnia Program, a program promoted by Elanco whose main objectives are to support the importance of the veterinary profession in society, enhance the knowledge, training and health of professionals, promote the growth of veterinary clinics and provide effective and safe solutions. To care for patients. More information at: www.vetnia.es

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90% of veterinarians show signs of work stress

Veterinarians, like other healthcare professionals, face high levels of stress resulting from factors such as long working hours, contact with suffering animals, as well as the burden of making difficult ethical decisions or managing guardians' grief when faced with the loss of their pets.

Various studies have revealed high levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout among the veterinary community. In Spain, A recent study on veterinary occupational health conducted by Vetbonds Highlights that Professional burnout and emotional exhaustion are common problems among veterinarians.

According to this research, which was surveyed among 1,242 veterinary professionals in Spain, 77% show signs of work stress and 14% show a high level of work stress. Furthermore, one in two study participants had high anxiety indicators. 78% of participants show signs of secondary traumatic stress, which stems mainly from repeated contact with suffering patients.

According to Jaume FatjoDirector of Vetbonds, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Autonomous University of Barcelona: “The conclusions of the study confirm the Veterinarians need to realize the importance of caring for their emotional well-beingSeek professional help when necessary, learn how to communicate effectively with the people they serve, and gain the skills needed to manage and reduce the impact of daily stress.

This situation requires not only individual attention, but also a global approach involving professionals, institutions, businesses and society at large to address and mitigate the causes and effects of burnout in the veterinary profession.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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