Eight free courses from Microsoft to learn programming

People who want to certify their programming knowledge can do so through any of the Microsoft Challenges.

in age technology and development artificial intelligenceLearning to code is one of the skills that can be an important differentiator when looking for a file job. Those with some experience practice what they know and those who barely know how to do it, learn from the basics.

It’s because of that Microsoft He designed a series of small free courses that include challenges Programming so that students can test their knowledge and even get a certificate to prove they have obtained capacity. They each have difficulty, but in general they all require the student to have some kind of prior knowledge to advance in developing these activities.

To access the challenges, users must log into the website “microsoft.com/cloudskillschallenge”. This platform will offer a set of eight courses or challenges in different aspects of the game Programming: Cloud development, building apps for Microsoft Teams, challenges for developers, tools usage, and more.

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according to rules From the platform, once the first challenge is completed, it will be possible to access a test that, if approved, will allow access to certificate. However, this can only be issued once, so it is recommended that you only enter the property you want to adopt, or if you want to try all the challenges, do appreciation after they have been satisfactorily completed.

Microsoft offers knowledge validation software challenges. (Yasser)

Although the rules Microsoft Noting that the challenges are available from May 23, 2023 until June 20 of the same year, and it is possible to enter them several days in advance to register via e-mail.

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When the activity is unlocked, users will receive a notice in the registered email and they can access directly through a link or click on the “Go to Challenge” button on the homepage.

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The challenges available for registration will be as follows:

-.network: Create web, mobile and desktop applications in .NET and C# programming languages.

– Azure Cosmos DB Developer: Develop native applications in the cloud using a NoSQL database.

Azure AI: Energy applications with large-scale AI models.

Tools for developers: Develop and master essential Git and GitHub skills.

Evolution in the cloud: Identity designs, governance and stewardship solutions.

DevOps: Design and implement strategies for collaboration, code, infrastructure resource control, security, compliance, continuous integration, testing, delivery, monitoring, and feedback.

Microsoft 365 Developer: Build and extend custom apps with Microsoft 365.

People who want to certify their programming knowledge can do so through any of the Microsoft Challenges. (Reuters/Dado Rovic)

Power platform: Learn how to develop Microsoft Teams apps, extend Teams, use Teams tools, and develop apps with Microsoft Graph tools.

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To receive Exam Free, all or all of the given challenge must be completed before June 30, 2023. When this happens, it will be notified by mail The assessment is already available and from that moment the user will have until September 27, 2023 to complete it and obtain the certificate.

Book exams according to reports MicrosoftThis must be done before September 8, 2023 and no deferrals will be allowed after the deadline.

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There is no kind of restriction to perform any challenge, except to be Over 14 years old. In this case, Microsoft will not allow the assessment to take place and access to the exam will be lost. certificate.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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