Donald Trump trial: The jury found the former US president guilty

Donald Trump trial: The jury found the former US president guilty (Reuters)

Jury appointed in former president's trial Donald Trump I found him guilty This Thursday afternoon. The group unanimously identified the entrepreneur He was behind the bribery scheme To pornographic actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election campaign, in order to cover up their meetings so as not to harm his political aspirations. And in this way it became The first former US president to be criminally convictedAlthough this does not prevent him from continuing on his path ahead of the November elections and obtaining a new term in the Oval Office.

The ruling will be announced on July 11 The defense can then appeal, although this could take months. The maximum sentence he can receive is four years in prison, although since he has no criminal record, it is rare for him to be imprisoned, on the contrary, a fine will be imposed on him.

Shortly after the announcement, Trump wrote on his social media: “My civil rights have been completely violated by this political and unconstitutional election meddling witch hunt. They are laughing at our failed nation all over the world!” Likewise, in the room confirmed this “This was a disgrace… This was a rigged trial by a conflicted and corrupt judge.” He promised that ““Monarchy” The election will be known as November 5th.

During this trial, Trump denounced his civil rights "It has been completely violated" And trust that "Royal rule" He will be known at the ballot boxes on November 5 (Reuters)
Trump denounced that his civil rights were “completely violated” during this trial, and expressed his confidence that the “true verdict” will be known at the ballot boxes on November 5 (Reuters)

And so is the Republican Michael JohnsonThe Speaker of the House of Representatives wrote on his X account: “It is.” Shameful day of American history” since Trump's conviction for “Ridiculous accusations Based on the testimony of a disqualified convicted felon.” “he Weaponizing our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden administration Today's decision is further evidence of that Democrats will stop at nothing “To silence the opposition and crush his political opponents,” he continued his message before confident that his political ally “will win!”

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It didn't take long for the Biden campaign team to speak out and declare that the ruling shows that “No one is above the law”.

For his part, Judge Juan Merchan thanked the jury for their service and for giving the case “the attention it deserves.” “You have devoted yourself to a difficult and exhausting task,” he told them.

Overall, Trump has been accused of this 34 charges to Falsifying business records in your company Regarding the alleged plan to hide potentially unfavorable stories about him, which was evaluated during the weeks-long judicial process in which some… 20 main actors Those who testified, such as Daniels herself — who provided graphic details of events dating back to 2006 — and the president's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty to paying the said amounts. The number adds up to a total 130,000 US dollarsHe pointed out.

Although there is no time limit for this final stage, the news of the ruling came on the second day of the deliberations of the 12 judges who did not obtain the necessary consensus the day before to convict or acquit Trump. Only a different position was sufficient to declare the operation invalid and thus open the door to a new trial.

Trump is the first former US president to be criminally convicted, although that does not prevent him from continuing his election campaign (Reuters)
Trump is the first former US president to be criminally convicted, although that does not prevent him from continuing his election campaign (Reuters)

However, after asking for an additional half hour to prepare, they entered the room to communicate their decision. “We received a note” from the jury, Merchan said in making the announcement.

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Upon his arrival to court earlier – where the judge had asked all parties to be present until the end of the trial – the defendant again gestured against the New York judge and appeared upset by his actions, as he had done from the beginning. “We are at it again,” he said. “I have not seen a single jurist who thinks he should have come forward.” The day before, he had also mentioned this. Trial 'shame' He affirmed his innocence: “There was no crime.”

“Everything is rigged, everything, the whole system is rigged.” he added.

This ruling The first criminal trial against a former president In the history of the United States, it occurs a few months before the presidential elections in which Trump seeks a new term in the White House. However, in recent days, the Republican campaign team has downplayed the issue and asserted that it has “no impact on voters.”

If he became president again, he would not be able to pardon himself since the case was not brought by the federal government but by the state of New York and only the governor could clear his name.

(With information from AFP and Associated Press)

Freddie Dawson

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