Donald Trump angry and left TV interview: ‘Turn off the cameras’

Washington: Former US President Donald Trump He seemed unable to answer basic questions about the election he claims was rigged against him in November 2020, when Joe Biden won, as seen. Exit from an interview with host Piers Morgan.

Morgan, who joined Rupert Murdoch-owned TalkTV to present his own show, Piers Morgan Uncensoredposted Edited clip from the interview On his Twitter account on Wednesday to promote his new show, which will be launched on April 25.

Donald Trump angry and left TV interview: ‘Turn off the cameras’

Appears in a series of shots Trump angrily pointed out that Morgan was telling him that the 2020 election was “free and fair.” He notes that the former president “never presented convincing evidence,” while the former president stands in the way of shouting “Excuse me!” Repeatedly.

At one point, Trump said: “I think I’m a very honest man, much more than you actually are.”

After Morgan said “It was a free and fair election, I lost,” Trump replied, “Only an idiot would think so.”

“Do you think I’m an idiot?” asked Morgan. Trump replied, “I do now.”

At the end of the clip, Trump is shown standing and asking for a file “Turn off the cameras” Before he walks he says: “Very dishonest.”

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Freddie Dawson

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