Cynthia Fernandez signed a judicial agreement with Matías DeFederico: division of assets and debts of one million dollars

Cynthia Fernandez and Matias DeFederico, in an old family postcard

After a long period characterized by public disputes and disagreements, Cynthia Fernandez And Matthias DavidericoThey are known for their confrontations regarding supporting their daughters Charisse, Bella And FrancescaThey reached a legal consensus, according to the information obtained exclusively TV show.

According to the word he gave Roberto Castillo, Cynthia's attorney. “The truth of the matter is that he owes her a debt, as we were going to execute him for $25,000. As a result, what he is saying is that he has no money.” In this context, Fernandez is asking for 50% of the house in a Nordic country where she currently lives with her daughters.

In this sense, the lawyer explained: “Cynthia requests 50% of that house as a result of the division of the assets of the marital partnership, since she was married to him, and the other 50% belongs to Matthias. So What Matthias does now is that he doesn't have the cash, he offers to give him 50% so that he doesn't have to somehow pay for the food.“.

Roberto Castillo, Cynthia Fernandez's lawyer, revealed the details of the agreement

The lawyer continued: “The truth is that this is a challenge for her, because she could have stayed quietly at home, and lived until the girls reached adulthood without having to demand maintenance from him, but seeing that is difficult.” The turmoil of having to look up every bill and every expense for your daughter, She chose to accept his proposal. Rest assured that for the sake of her daughters' future, that property will be protected.

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However, he explained: “She will have to cover all the girls' expenses, which are overhead, like health and school, which is something she was already doing. He explained that the only thing that changes at this moment is that she has the availability of the property, and in case something happens or any emergency situation she can sell this property. It is worth noting that the value of the aforementioned property is $350,000.

For this part, Cynthia Fernandez confirmed to Teleshow: “I can't talk about the agreement, sorry. He's waiting for approval, but actually neither of them can talk. The only good and important thing is that there is an agreement awaiting justiceThat entered the exhibition and we have to wait. This way my daughters have justice, which is the one thing I have searched for for years.

Finally, he highlighted: “We hope that justice will set a precedent and issue it quickly and family conditions will begin to change.” For peace and for the rights of all those affected for various reasons.

After a long period marked by disagreements and public disputes, Cynthia Fernandez and Matias Diederico have reached an agreement

In a recent conversation with theyThe dancer explained: “I have been dealing with this for a year and a half, when it started bothering me. He always spent 55 thousand pesos for many years (Alimony for his three daughters). Not to mention that on the way, the girls' social work took me out and didn't even warn me; “They informed me via email.”

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“now It has changed that I am tired. “A lot of people started betraying him, and information started coming to me, and I started investigating.”Cynthia responded and added, “I am facing a fee of 55,000 pesos and The guy in front of the judge or in front of the camera, crying like a crocodile and no one believes him, and he says he can't afford it and he's living from day to day, and then you see he's building and selling houses.. Building and selling houses with my money, which is actually my daughters money, gives you a little money!

He told us the strategy DeFederico uses: “There is a lot of evidence of things being passed on from his ancestry to his relatives… You are disposing of assets so that your assets look like those of a poor man who cannot pay and lives day to day..

“He has a Mini Cooper that he could have sold a long time ago! And now he can't do it anymore because he's restricted. I've tried everything, guys. Everything, everything, I have nothing more to prove!” Cynthia continued, expressing her anger and indignation at The situation she is going through with her daughters’ father, from whom she separated and divorced in 2018, after seven years as a couple.

Freddie Dawson

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