Controversy over iris scanning: “What is not forbidden is permissible” | information

Provincial Senator for Section 5, Alexander RabinovichHe expressed his position on one of the positions that has raised the greatest doubts in recent weeks in Mar del Plata. The legislator from the Together for Change (JxC) organization explained through his social networks that there is not enough evidence to alert through the iris scanning campaigns that are taking place in this and other cities, Which maintains an aura of mystery.

It's just another activation. “The state cannot intervene if people deem it acceptable to provide their data,” the former municipal cabinet coordinator posted, in response to a request from the Mar del Plata Action Bloc of the Deliberative Council of General Pueridón. To investigate the company that carries out the activity.

In light of this framework, the leader raised a series of positions with similar characteristics: “Because then what? Tell them not to browse the Internet because cookies are being logged? Do we force Apple to remove facial recognition from all of its iPhones? We ban AFIP and banks from using electronic ID? “Can't people get more DNI accounts?”

What is not prohibited is permitted. The Constitution says so. If the company discloses the information, it is committing a crime. The same goes for banks, AFIP, Google, Amazon, Mercado Libre, and thousands of others. In this case, the state must intervene. But they don't come out at gunpoint to force people to give up their irises.” – Rabinovich said.

In recent days, a campaign has been launched in Mar del Plata and other locations that pays users who agree to iris scans. However, the uncertainty regarding this initiative has created a state of uncertainty among some neighbors. Due to suspicions of a possible fraud attemptAlthough this has not been proven.

At the same time, and after a while where unknown And the curiousity They camped out a company Which Iris scanning About 30,000 pesos changed hands in several locations, including Mar del Plata, the regional state and collection agency ARBA focused on.

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State agencies requested information about what Services Which offers World Coin International Company to the community, while also asking for clarifications About the use and distribution of the personal data they collect this way.

Freddie Dawson

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