Chalten Film 100% Awarded in Hollywood

Small Town, Big Winter, was designed 20 years ago, began filming 10 years ago, and premiered in November 2019.

Small town, big winter It might be a bad writing of the famous phrase that ends in a big hell, but it’s not like that: It is the title of a movie that was created more than 20 years ago10. The premiere was in November 2019, at the municipal gymnasium in Two shawls, Governorate Santa CruzAnd won an international award.

This movie was produced, represented and filmed entirely by townspeople: Idea and Perception from El Chaltén to Big Screen, the producer of audiovisual content for film and television, is also local. They never imagined winning an award, like the one in 2020:Best Foreign Film “at the Hollywood International American Golden Film Award.”It is an alternative film festival in Hollywood, USA. One of the many festivals he has participated in over the past year.

Under the name translated into English, “Small Town, Big Winter”, he participated and won more than 4 other films: “BLIND (Born To Live In Darkness)” from India; “Tunisian Midnight Films – Magnum Opus”; “Like Father and Son” from China and “Fear of the Jungle” from Sweden, the Scandinavian country. Gabriel Otero, the film’s director, was nominated, but didn’t win the category in the end.

The idea of ​​making a somewhat bizarre and / or “politically incorrect” comedy movie dates back to 1997. More than anything else as an alternate meeting and an extra-traditional activity in the long run Castilian winter“, The authors say on the official website of the film. After 14 years, in April 2011, he began filming this feature film, which tells how the circumstances of the planned death occurred so that the mayor of the city became governor of the county.

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Many townspeople participated in the cooperative process, which strengthened relations after this long process, from obtaining the necessary resources to film to watching it on the big screen in the municipal gymnasium.

Diego Garcia Canto, screenwriter of the film Which lasted about 90 minutes, he stated in several interviews that the owner of the film was “Gabriel” [Otero, el director] It is that he has knowledge of cinema. He discovered that before he came to town, several neighbors wanted to make a funny movie from the side where there is no cemetery. Years later, they took on the idea with the idea of ​​doing it in a collaborative way with all the residents of Santa Cruz.

Realization took a long time on two priority issues: continuous access to resources; The other is because it was only recorded in the fall and spring, So on the summer People are working and loyal winter People go on vacation. The screenwriter commented, “The truth is that people enjoyed it so much, and it should also be noted that people see their neighbors behaving within it.”


The film tells the story of a mayor who lacks votes to first go to be the governor of the county. He had to open something to gain votes: Then the idea of ​​opening a cemetery came to him, but something very important was missing: a dead man. As long as the official persuades another person to “appear” as a deceased person, there will be many fun and unexpected situations that seem to complicate everything. Will there be a new cemetery? Did he reach the prosecution? You will have to watch the Pueblo chico movie, Invierno grande, to find out: in March it will be publicly released on social networks; To flatten the wait, You can find the trailer here And on Facebook, all the news.

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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