Canada will grant 90,000 places to foreigners to obtain permanent residency MBA and Executive Education | Master of Business Administration and Executive Education

Recently, the Canadian government has opened an option for foreigners who live there temporarily or who plan to immigrate to that country to improve their quality of life. Those who perform functions essential to the economy and health of their citizens will be permitted permanent residency. Postgraduate students will also benefit from universities recognized by the state.

“We are very happy with this initiative because our business students will have the opportunity to stay in the country and contribute a grain of sand to the local economy,” commented from Canada West University, one of the beneficiary institutions.

Realizing that the intention of the Canadian government is to boost the economy and combat the current crisis caused by the pandemic, the quotas that are applied to obtain this feature target specific profiles. One of them is essential workers associated with the health field, such as doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, medical technologists, psychologists, physiotherapists, and others. On the one hand, there is also a list of other important occupations that have been detailed by the government, among which are cashiers, carpenters, transport drivers and pest control, among others that are part of a long list.

However, the group that will receive the most application slots is recent university graduates. In this sense, the main requirement is that they have completed an educational program within the past four years, and not before January 2017.

“We have students at our university from different parts of the world. A large group comes from Latin America, since we offer a scholarship specifically targeted to them that grants them fees equal to that of Canadian students. Now, in addition to being able to access this benefit, they will be able to choose to stay in Country, “they point out from Western Canada University.

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Canadian Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC), He will be responsible for managing the applications of immigrants who wish to apply. To do this, they must be part of one of the three categories outlined above.

For international students graduating from a recognized Canadian educational institution, they will be able to apply until 40,000 places are completed.

On the other hand, in the case of essential health workers, they will be able to qualify for this benefit up to 20,000 classes. Finally, those who belong to the basic worker category with other jobs will have 30,000 quota to qualify for
Final stay.

Applications are open from May 6 and will remain on the official website until November 5 this year or until the quotas are filled.

The local government is expected to maintain this policy for three consecutive years. At the moment, there are 90,000 places that will be opened to obtain a permanent residence visa, but it is planned that in the future the number will increase to 401,000 available places. This will undoubtedly represent a boost for a country that has been accepting foreign contributions in its cities for some time, but, in addition to that, it will also mean an improvement in the quality of life of the immigrants who will live there, as Canada has some of the best indicators in this regard.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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