Canada and the UK celebrate the EU and US sanctions against Ortega officials

The governments of Canada and the United Kingdom, separately, responded to the sanctions imposed by the Council of the European Union and the United States on January 10, the day Daniel Ortega will assume his fourth consecutive term of office for another five years. Sanctions Ortega officials and entities. The European Union has imposed sanctions on Ortega Murillo’s family members, the police, CSE and Telcor as state institutions. While the United States added to its list six people, among these are the top commanders of the army.

Canada’s Foreign Minister, Melanie Jolie, stressed that Ortega and his regime in the past four years had dismantled Nicaragua’s democratic institutions, denouncing that he had manipulated the electoral process to cling to power by arresting and detaining political opponents, and cracking down on crackdowns. Against independent media and forcing journalists and civil society leaders into exile.

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As a result, the November 7 elections in Nicaragua lacked democratic legitimacy, as did the nomination taking place today. Canada reiterates its call for the Ortega regime to reverse its destructive course and seek a peaceful and democratic solution to the current crisis.”

On the sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States today, he indicated that his country welcomes “the decisive steps taken by its international partners and will continue to work with them to gain support and pressure the regime to restore democracy and respect for human rights.”

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For her part, British Minister Vicki Ford made it clear through a statement that her country refuses to install Ortega. “Today’s inauguration is not a direct result of the freely expressed will of the people of Nicaragua, and the United Kingdom will not participate in this event. This increase in tyranny must end. The rule of law and the rights of the Nicaraguan population must be respected, and free and fair elections restored.”

He added that the UK supports the package of sanctions announced today by the US and the EU: “We will continue to express our concerns to the government, calling on Nicaragua to comply with its international obligations and respect its human rights.” citizens and put an end to repression in the country.

They demand the immediate release of political prisoners

The two officials separately confirmed that their governments are calling for the immediate and unconditional release of more than 160 political prisoners.

“The UK calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all opposition leaders and other political prisoners in Nicaragua, as well as the full restoration of their civil and political rights. We reiterate our call on the Daniel Ortega regime to comply with its international obligations, end repression of independent press, allow the return of international human rights monitors, and establish Meaningful national dialogue,” Minister Ford said.

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July emphasized that a solution to the socio-political crisis would be possible with a change of course that should begin with the “immediate release by the regime of all political detainees,” adding that Canada calls on the regime to accept the Organization of American States (OAS) good offices mission “in order to encourage The national dialogue that leads to early elections, under credible, free, fair and transparent international monitoring. In addition, Canada calls on the regime to take steps to adhere to the principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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