Boris Johnson’s government is hanging by a thread: a wave of resignations emptied his government and they demanded his resignation

Johnson has launched a chaotic defense of his accomplishments since coming into government three years ago (Reuters TV via Reuters)

Boris Johnson appeared in front of British lawmakers on Wednesday to defend his survival in a position increasingly at stakeAfter a torrent of resignations in protest against the legitimacy of the controversial Prime Minister, who has been alienated by scandals.

At the weekly question session in Parliament, He launched a chaotic defense of his accomplishments since taking office three years ago and of the problems that remain to be resolvedsuch as the urgent cost of living crisis.

“The task of the prime minister in difficult circumstances, when a huge mandate is received, is to carry on and that is what I will do.”As he claimed.

Labor opposition leader Care Starmeraccused him of making a “pathetic show” inThe last work of his political life.

Tuesday evening, ministers healthAnd the Sajid Javedand based on financeAnd the Rishi Sunakat about the same time announced their resignations as a result of Ongoing scandals surrounding Johnson and his CEO.

Health Minister Sajid Javid (left) and Finance Minister Rishi Sunak (right) announced their resignations around the same time.
Health Minister Sajid Javid (left) and Finance Minister Rishi Sunak (right) announced their resignations around the same time.

Ten other members of the government followed himof a lower rank, in the bloodshed that continued on Wednesday until it reached nearly 30 members of the executive branch.

The FM Childhood and family, will fifteenHe resigned, saying he had “no other choice” after he reported in the media information provided by Johnson’s office that it “turned out to be inaccurate”.

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The Assistant Foreign Minister From TransportationAnd the Laura TrottHe resigned, saying that trust in the government had been “lost”.

The Minister of State for EducationAnd the Robin WalkerUpon submitting his resignation, he expressed his regret for the government’s “great achievements”. “Oblined by errors and integrity issues.”

John Glenn announced his resignation as Treasury SecretaryAnd the He said he had a “total lack of confidence” in Johnson’s leadership.

After a brief period, Victoria Atkins resigned from the position of minister Ministry of Interior Affairs He said that Integrity, decency, respect and professionalism It must be important. Joe Churchill He resigned as Minister of the Environment, criticizing the approach Driving “funny and selfish” Johnson

at noon, Stuart Andrew Resigned as Housing Minister and said Conservatives shouldn’t do it “Defending the Untenable”

Then five ministers resigned at once, and they all signed a joint letter of resignation saying “It is becoming increasingly clear that the government cannot act in light of the problems that have arisen”. They say Boris Johnson should resign.

The five ministers are: Kimi BadenochEquality Minister (recently described by ConservativeHome as a potential outside candidate to lead the Conservative Party); Neil O’BrienSettlement Minister. Alex BergartCompetencies Minister. Lee RulliBusiness Minister. s Julia LopezMinister of Information, Data and Digital Infrastructure.

accordingly, Mayms Davis has resigned as Secretary of Laborsaying that Johnson had failed to retain “Higher standards in public life”.

The Prime Minister appeared at the weekly questioning session in Parliament as he refused to resign again (Reuters TV)
The Prime Minister appeared at the weekly questioning session in Parliament as he refused to resign again (Reuters TV)

In addition to Sunak and Judd – who were considered key players in the British executive branch -, Other deputies, who held positions of less responsibility, resigned on Tuesdaybetween them Bim Avulamiwho resigned as vice chair of the Conservative Party, and Andrew Morrisonwho left as a trade envoy to Morocco.

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Also, two private secretaries in the Conservative Party submitted their resignations yesterday. Jonathan Jules s Saqib Bhatti.

Increasingly weak, but clinging to the position, The Prime Minister appeared in the weekly question session in Parliament, Where do I know Once again he refused to resign despite calls from the opposition.

“Honestly, the job of the Prime Minister in difficult circumstances when he is given such a huge mandate is to carry on and that is what I will do,” He said.

The Prime Minister appeared this afternoon in front of the so-called “contact committee”“, which was formed by the heads of the various parliamentary committees and those charged with studying the work of the government, where He ruled out calling for early elections Despite the resignation of nearly 30 members of his government in less than 24 hours.

I really don’t think anyone in this country wants politicians to campaign now. And I think we must continue to serve our constituents and take care of the issues that matter to them.” He said.

as he said it “Of course” will continue tomorrow as prime minister.

Government ‘integrity’

Javid and Sunak, two heavyweights in the executive and party, have resigned Hours after Johnson apologized for the thousandth time, admitting he had made a “mistake” by appointing Chris Pincher to an important parliamentary position.a conservative official who resigned last week because he touched two men, one of whom was a deputy, while intoxicated.

Having claimed otherwise, Downing Street acknowledged on Tuesday that the prime minister had been informed in 2019 of previous allegations against Pincher but had “forgotten them”.

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Sunak, 42, of Indian descent, resigned in a difficult economic contextWith the cost of living in the UK rising and the chief executive accused of not doing enough to help families who can’t make ends meet.

In his letter to Johnson, Sunak wrote that the British expected the government to act in a “competent” and “serious” manner, “which is why I am resigning.”

For his part, Javid, 52, of Pakistani descent, considered that the British need Integrity on the part of his government.

(with information from the AFP and EFE)

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