Bolivia opens second nuclear medicine center built with Invap

In the presence of Bolivian President Luis Ars, Argentine Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Daniel Filmos, and other authorities from both countries, Nuclear Medicine Center built by Invap In Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The facility is similar to the facility that has been operating since the beginning of the year in El Alto and will form Network with a third center Which will begin operations in La Paz next year, according to a contract signed by Invap in 2018, with a total investment of $150.7 million.

With the sale of this equipment –Suitable for diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases– The company based in Bariloche consolidates its leadership as a source of technology, in this case directed to a neighboring country with an interest in developing its own capabilities in the field of nuclear energy.

As reported by Invap, the Santa Cruz Center (like the Alto Center) makes available health services “two linear accelerators, a full brachytherapy room, a tomography simulator, a dosimetry lab, and nuclear medical equipment for diagnostics and a chemotherapy area”.

The available technology will make it possible to provide populations receiving assistance with highly specific and in-demand health services, such as Early diagnosis of oncological, cardiac and neurological diseases, in addition to providing “radiation therapy” and chemotherapy.

The contract between Invap and the Bolivian agency was signed four years ago. photo courtesy

In addition, the complex that opened today is designed to serve as a “school center” to train Bolivian professionals in nuclear medicine and to work in a network with the other two centers built by Invap in that country.

The ceremony was also attended by Bolivian Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy Franlin Molina, Minister of Health and Sports Jason Osa, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rogelio Maita and Executive Director of the Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency Ortensia Jimenez.

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In addition to Vilmos, the Chairperson of the National Atomic Energy Commission, Adriana Sarquez, and Director of Technology Integration Services at Invap, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, also participated on behalf of Argentina.

signed contract Four years ago between Invap and the Bolivian Agency It includes the comprehensive design, construction, fit-out and commissioning of the three centers, “human resources” training, advice from local professionals, “remote support” and consulting for “sustainable” management, Invap reported.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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