Biden chose shock policy (including the economy), but some are at play, too

The 46th President of the United States, Joseph Biden, is a moderate. Few believed he could go that far, but he actually took over the White House. Thanks to his restraint, and with his rude character, he defeated Bernie Sanders in the primary and Donald Trump in the general election. However, his government’s first decision was a shocking strategy. Code: 30 Executive Orders you signed in your first three days in the Oval Room. Ten of the decrees reflect symbolic decisions of her predecessor. The United States is a transatlantic ship but its captain wants you to know he’s turning the wheel. The country has re-subscribed to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and will not abandon the World Health Organization, the construction of the Great Wall of Mexico and entry restrictions for citizens of seven Muslim countries will cease, it cancels the Keystone XL pipeline project and will review 100 actions taken by Trump that have an impact on the environment. Back to the future? To the Obama era? It is impossible to rotate clockwise. Another world. The agenda, necessarily, too. Tensions with China paint the new government’s rhetoric with the power of the times. Perhaps the most generous act of the transition was, on the last day, the declaration of the status of Uyghurs in China as genocide. He relieved Biden of the burden and left him a better bargaining chip. However, it is not the past that needs to be fixed, it is the future that comes. We know that the European Union and Beijing concluded a comprehensive swift investment agreement, before Biden took the reins, that the big players have already acted, that Trump’s consequences are not erased by decree and that the challenges very quickly. Alliances may (or will be) different from what is imagined.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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