Between Us introduces new roles through mod, and one of them wins the game when expelled

In the absence of official InnerSloth content, the community is developing a fun alternative.

Maybe a fever Between us It did not last long, but even if the numbers showed A sharp drop in activity, exist Huge community Keeping it alive at this stage, not counting the “sleeping” players who are waiting for the big boys Novelties To return to work. If you are among them, you’ll be glad to know that there is a The new Ministry of Defense With the ability to turn games as we know them upside down.

The idea behind the above modification, which It became popular On Reddit, it’s simple: add Four new rolesWhich means that those who play by these rules will no longer be limited to playing as a crew member or a charlatan. If you are so used to their psychological game that all the games seem the same to you, playing like or against officials, doctors, engineers, and scammers may regain your interest.

Respectively, the Official He has the power to kill whoever he wants, which means that if he sees a murder, he can de facto eliminate the fraudster without having to persuade anyone. The A doctor He can temporarily protect other players, as well as analyze corpses for clues about the killer. from their side , Engineers It can teleport through channels and fix broken systems, and finally clown He must be sent off by other players to win the game.

Each role includes a series of Risks, Such as protecting or allying with the fraudster or killing the crew; Therefore, at first glance, it appears to be a chaotic and at the same time more or less balanced situation. Players are still waiting for the new map: InnerSloth explains what leads them to beg For longer than expected.

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More about: Between us s Inersloth.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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