Around the World in 80 Days: Steve Barron on David Tennant and why he watched the series

Around the world in 80 days It is one of Jules Verne’s most famous stories, where an epic adventure is told where a man named Phileas Fogg intends to show non-believers that getting around the world in less than 3 months is possible.

In this book, regimentan adventurer and inventor from Victorian England, rides a hot air balloon and takes a trip around the Earth, stopping in exotic places where he learns new things and meets interesting characters, and the story is so perfect that Hollywood couldn’t resist adapting it to the 1956 cinema where Canteenflas Back Travel Companion regiment.

Years later, other mods of the classic have appeared, and now there is a new series on the platform global + Partially directed by the legendary Steve Barron (The Durrells and Teenage Mutants Ninja Turtles) and a great cast.

In this new science fiction series (produced by BBC), David Tennant (aka Doctor Who) plays Phileas Fogg, while Ibrahim Kuma He takes on the role of Cantinflas as Passepartout. The series also features Leonie Pencik, Jason Watkins, and Peter Sullivan.

Capitalizing on its arrival on air (and the 150th anniversary of the popular novel), Barron revealed some details about the new version of Around the world in 80 days And why is it worth watching?


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Around the World in 80 Days is 150 years old this year, why do you think this story still matters today?

SB: I think it’s important because as humans we tell stories, but also We are adventurers at heart. We love to see trips or take part in them. 150 years later, we’re still traveling, and it was so much appreciated at the time because it was new and different to think that you could open the book and suddenly travel across the world. So it was very exciting when Thomas Cook Open a travel agency. I think it will always be connected to the present, even more so when in the COVID pandemic we have stopped traveling and vacationing and you can’t go anywhere. The book remains relevant because it is a good piece of literature and good stories are here to stay.

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There are two big trips in this new series, the trip around the world, of course, but there’s also a trip inside. In an episode in Italy, we see Phileas (David Tennant) change his mind, what can you tell us about these two trips?

SB: I think that was the big difference in this series. The truth about why the Inner Journey happened is that he can tell that he has been trapped for the past 20 years due to various things that have happened to him and we find out through this series. The fact that he fights these fears makes it all the more interesting, even if some are just mistakes he needs to correct to get out of his shell and into flight. a job David Tennant It’s great on the train. It takes a great rep to cast without having to put in a lot.

Terry Alexander

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