Argentina and the United States cooperate in the fight against anti-Semitism

yPrime Minister Juan Manzur The Minister of Education, Jaime PerzicToday’s business audience held with US Ambassador to Argentina Mark Stanleyand the State Department’s special envoy to that country to monitor and combat anti-Semitism, Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt.

During the meeting, Mansour promised that Argentina would have “a representative of the highest rank possible to combat everything related to anti-Semitism, expression of hatred and racism” and made it clear that he would convey this proposal to President of the Nation Alberto Fernandez.

“The jewish holocaust It happened a little over 70 years ago, and so that this tragedy does not happen again, the memory of what happened must always be alive and education must be provided. This is where the role of the state is essential so that future generations know it and so that it never happens again,” the Chief of Staff emphasized.

During the meeting held at the headquarters educational portfolioIt was also agreed to continue joint work to eliminate all kinds of discrimination, in addition to progressing in the implementation of exchange programs between the institutions of the two countries to enrich the training of students and teachers.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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