Antarctica: Earthquake strikes southern Chile | international

Illustration of the earthquake epicenter at the Chilean base in Antarctica.U.S. Geological Service

A strong earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale occurred near Saturday night Eduardo Fray’s Chilean Antarctic Base, Initially reported by the National Emergency Office (Onemi). The 161-strong delegation from southern Chile has been put on alert due to the risk of a tsunami.

The earthquake occurred at 8:36 PM (local time), in the middle of the sea, about 210 kilometers east of the Eduardo Fry base where 80 people were evacuated. At O’Higgins base, 40 people were evacuated, 10 more from Fields and about 31 people from Pratt base. In addition, according to Chilean authorities, five more foreign bases in the area have been evacuated.

The National Emergency Office of Chile mistakenly sent a message to cell phones of Chileans across the country warning them that they should leave coastal areas due to the tsunami warning. The authorities admitted the failure and stated that the letter was intended only for those who were at the Chilean base Antarctica.

An hour later, at around 9:07 PM, another magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck 14 kilometers east of Farillones, 36 kilometers from Santiago de Chile. The authorities confirmed that the recent earthquake had nothing to do with the Antarctic earthquake.

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