An octopus guides a diver to hidden treasure at the bottom of the sea

An Australian diver witnessed an unexpected moment… deep sea That will remain forever in your heart.

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The film revolves around Jules Casey, who encounters a red octopus that leads her to find a hidden treasure.

The most beautiful thing about the event was that the octopus tried to hold his hand over and over again. The woman followed him along a path she “didn't normally take” until she found treasure at the bottom of the sea. The Australian added: “When he walked away, he stopped and turned around to make sure I was still following him.”

When he reached the location the animal wanted, he saw the treasure: a tombstone tied between two steel columns. It was engraved with a picture of a man holding a white dog.

This is Jules Casey, the Australian diver.

“We came to the back of the stone platform with two metal stakes and I thought that was it. Then he moved to one side and I moved to the other side. It was as if he said: ‘Tada, there he is.’” Jules recounted. “Then I saw a picture.” The man holding the fluffy white dog.

Then the woman understood that the matter was something else. Some divers built in that area, and in fact, the guy in the photo was the father of one of them. “It was a very emotional moment, but the best thing was that this intelligent creature took me there,” he said.

Video: This was an emotional moment

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"The octopus was hiding itself in its surroundings"said the woman who took the video.  (Yasser)


They take photos of an octopus camouflaged by its surroundings

Freddie Dawson

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