An adventure blogger dies after getting lost in the mountains

Skiing, snowboarding, climbing, bungee jumping, water skiing, skydiving, hiking, diving, paragliding, surfing, kayaking … List of young women sports and adventure Nikki Donnelly It’s tall and bold, but it won’t be able to keep swell after the tragic news comes from the mountains of Canada, where it’s located He lost his life while hiking.

Specifically, Donnelly is lost in the nature park on Vancouver’s North Shore, Cypress County Park. According to local media, this girl from He reached the top of the 21-year-old San Marcos and when he got back he got muddled. She was able to make one last call to her boyfriend before losing contact. It was he who informed the authorities, who mobilized rescue teams on the ground and in the air to search for the adventurer.

The next day they finally put the corpse, lifeless, in a steep canyon very close to the Cypress Mountain Ski Area. According to police sources, although he was carrying a backpack with warm clothes, snow boots and mountain nails, he did not have enough materials to spend the night in the open with the cold that characterizes the area. After his transfer to North Shore Rescue Base, medical teams confirmed his death and began investigation procedures into the exact causes of death that will be launched.

The person in charge of searching for Nikki Donnelly took advantage of the accident to remember the importance of properly managing available resources when something like this happened. Specifically, he referred to the mobile phone. “It is common for people who got lost to call their family first and drain the battery by texting and talking to them instead of calling the emergency number.She said, referring to the call to her boyfriend.

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The event sparked controversy on social networks, with some accusing social networks like Instagram – specifically searching for a picture to upload – of being the cause of the many bailouts. But the emergency team also defended the victim, claiming this “All reasons for going to the mountain are legitimate.” And remember, the first hikers, mountaineers and adventurers who had cameras did not hesitate to use them as much as possible to document their actions.

Amber Cross

"Music buff. Unapologetic problem solver. Organizer. Social media maven. Web nerd. Incurable reader."

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