Alberto Fernandez with Vladimir Putin in Russia: “Argentina must leave its dependence on the IMF, as the United States influences”

In the midst of negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, the He met President Alberto Fernandez at 7:55 am. (Argentine time) alone accompanied by a duo from the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin in Moscowat the start of a tour that will later continue through the People’s Republic of China and Barbados.

In this context, Fernandez told his Russian counterpart “Argentina in particular is going through a very special situation as a result of its indebtednessHe added, “The economy depends a lot on its debts with the International Monetary Fund and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries affect the United States in that body.

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during the Private meeting in the KremlinThe two leaders assessed “the current status and development prospects of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and Argentina on issues political, economic, commercial, cultural, humanitarian and in joint action against the spread of COVID-19.

In this context, Fernandez pointed out that ‘The context is very appropriate to further complement the linkBetween the two countries, and in the same context, Putin noted that “there is a lot of potential to deepen our trade and economic sphere.”

“Last year we had a good growth rate, and there are many areas that We can clarify and develop our cooperation‘, aadi.

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Argentina’s agreement with the International Monetary Fund

It was in the latter part of the meeting that Fernandez explained to his Russian counterpart that “Argentina in particular is going through a very special situation as a result of its indebtednessHe considered that the economy is characterized by debt with the International Monetary Fund and the influence exercised by the United States in the organization.

“During the first phase of our governments’ governance, from 2003 to 2015, we We are trying to get out of that corset that was between Argentina and the United StatesAnd there we were able to proceed with the signing of the strategic integration agreement,” the head of state specified.

He called for the need to build a new pluralism: “I am determined that Argentina will find its way to other places And I think Russia has an important place.”

Sputnik’s approval

Regarding the coronavirus epidemic, they analyzed the role of Vacuna Rossa Sputnik VThe sources pointed out that it has been implemented in Argentina since the beginning of the strategic vaccination plan in December 2020.

Thanks Alberto Russia “Because you were there when the rest of the world didn’t help us.” “It was very important How did they support us at that time when vaccines were scarceThe fact is that the results of Sputnik V in Argentina were enormous. ”

At the same time, Putin thanked Argentina “for being the first country in Latin America to register the fifth Sputnik vaccine, He congratulated his Argentine counterpart on the “success of the vaccination campaign” It already reaches nearly 78% of the population.

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“He is visiting Russia for a short time,” TASS quoted Putin as saying. “But I hope we can continue contacts in person in Argentina and RussiaAdded the president, who said he was pleased to see Fernandez and that they had planned the meeting for a long time. He added that the two presidents will travel to China to attend the Winter Olympics.

How was Alberto Fernandez’s day in Russia

Fernandez got up early and discussed with his entourage the agenda with Russia and issues from Argentina with his companions during breakfast at the Hotel Metropol – among them Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero and Economy Minister Martin Guzman– And he was constantly informed of everything that was happening in Argentina.”

Before leaving for the Kremlin, the president “reviewed the reports and reports on Russia Before meeting with Vladimir Putin, he is also accompanied by the Argentine Ambassador to Russia, Eduardo Zwan.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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