A three-day whole-body routine about your body weight and working to define it

Good weather is approaching, and with it many people start Stages of definition So that they can achieve a low body fat percentage that allows them to differentiate their muscles well.

The problem this year is quite clear, there is no doubt about it With so many gyms closed, this goal will be somewhat complicated.But that’s exactly why we want to suggest this routine Full body Which will only need your body weight.

A full-body routine with body weight for three days

Pre-routine considerations

Although it will obviously depend on your level of training, this routine is designed with the intention that you do at least three days a week.

You can combine it with other activities that you do If you think this is not preventing you from recovering properly (tennis, swimmingGroup classes …).

As you will see, the following scheme is very simple; Core exercises, leg exercises, leg exercises NucleusAnd heart. If you want to change any of the exercises for any reason, you can do so Without any problem in following this structure.

push up

We did not refer to the breaks between strings because there are no breaks; It consists of doing two rounds of all of these exercises (or even three, if you think you can do two parts without problems) and only You will rest After two minutes of each lap.

When preparing for a routine, try to include some the heart Gentle and articular movement exercises, at least for the ankles, knees, elbows and shoulders. Remember that Heating is not optional; It is mandatory to do this.

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Pictures | iStock

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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