A petition to the Canadian Parliament called for Ottawa to support freedom in Cuba

The Canadian Parliament received on Wednesday Petition with 1254 signatures This requires the representatives and government of that country to speak out about the human rights situation in Cuba.

The document, submitted by Tom Comic, Member of the House of Commons for the Calgary Shepherd, Alberta, lists four requests, the first of which, “to make a public statement of solidarity with the San Isidro movement, the Cuban National Federation and all civil society groups leading the peaceful struggle for human rights.” on the island.”

In addition, it demands to condemn the arbitrary arrests and intimidation of activists “unequivocally” and to demand, together with Amnesty International and the United Nations, the release of political prisoners, specifically mentioned Aymara Nieto Muñoz, Melques For Hichevarria and Edelberto Arzuaga Alcalá. Finally, he urges the Canadian government to invite human rights activists to its embassy in Havana “to hear their testimony about the repression in Cuba.”

Finally, it urges the Canadian government to invite human rights activists to its embassy in Havana “to hear their testimony”.

The petition, in the first 48 hours of its publication, in March, on the website of the House of Commons, collected more than 500 signatures, the minimum required to be presented in Parliament. Democratic spaces, a Canadian human rights organization in Cuba.

“This petition is the first of its kind in recent years to call on members of Parliament and the Canadian government to publicly support human rights activists in Cuba and condemn the repression on the island,” he said. Lima in a message on Thursday.

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The Canadian-based Cuban explains: “In a democracy like that prevailing in Canada, a petition is a way in which citizens ask questions, make suggestions, and demand that the government be held accountable for their actions.” “A government that operates within the framework of the rule of law must, by law, respond to petitions when it collects a certain number of signatures.” On the contrary, he continues, Cuba, “the state that preceded human rights, responds to critical requests by arresting those who lead them and then subjecting them to a continuous police siege and systematic harassment by state security.”

The Government of Canada must respond within 45 business days to each petition submitted.


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Sacha Woodward

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