A case of a “double mutant” variant of the Coronavirus was first identified in the United States

While in Latin America the situation is increasing Dynasty of Manos de BrasilAnd scholars from Stanford University (California, USA) A case of a new variable in that region ‘Double mutant’ The virus was first found in India.

Researchers Stanford Clinical Virology Laboratory Last week, the presence of this strain was revealed in an infected person, which after its appearance in it March in India It spreads quickly.

Until date There was no record Reached by this variable United State.

Human cell (green) infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus particles (yellow) with the wrong color. Photo: Publication / AFP

“This variant contains the L452R mutation that we also find in California dynasty, In addition to another important mutation, the E484Q, “a spokeswoman Stanford Health CareLisa Kim.

In addition to the confirmed case, investigators are following seven other suspected cases as well They may have contracted this strain.

Why a “double mutant”?

The variant was named a “double mutant” because it underwent two mutations That allows it to attach itself to cells more easily.

right Now It is not known if it is more contagious than the other strains Or if you have higher antibody resistance in vaccines.

At the end of March, the Indian Federation of Genomics SARS-CoV-2 (Insacog) – a group of ten national laboratories formed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – confirmed that this new mutation had been discovered, above all, In western Maharashtra After several tests in sequencing the genome of the virus.

“An analysis of samples from Maharashtra state revealed that, compared to December 2020, there was an increase in the portion of samples with the E484Q and L452R mutations,” the report said, adding “These mutations were found in approximately 15-20 percent of the samples It does not match any previously indexed VOCs.

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According to an independent count from Johns Hopkins University, since the start of the epidemic, 30 million people have contracted the Coronavirus in the United States. And more than 555,000 lost their lives.


Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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