Did you know? This is the origin of Halloween and this is how it is celebrated in Mexico

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festival Halloween, Even though he doesn’t have it mexican roots, It has become a widely recognized and enjoyed celebration Mexico. To understand why this holiday is celebrated in the country, it is necessary to go back to its Celtic origins and trace its development over time.

Halloween, As we know it today, its roots go back to the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain. The Celts, who inhabited what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom and parts of France, celebrated Samhain to mark the end of summer and welcome winter.

They thought it was night Samhain, The world of the living and the world of the dead were intertwined, allowing spirits and supernatural beings to roam the land. As a precaution, they lit fires and dressed in disguises to confuse the spirits.

Halloween It combines commemoration of the dead and the autumn harvest, characteristic elements of celebrations of the time, with more modern practices. Among the last two “trick or treat” It stands out and has its origin at the beginning of the twentieth century.

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According to a National Geographic article, usually… trick or treatwhich involves children searching homes for sweets, is linked to the Celtic tradition of leaving food on doorsteps to appease evil spirits.

he “Mundus Patet” The Roman name, which means “open world,” is linked to the Mundus Ceres building, a building located in the center of Rome that connects the two worlds. The world of the living and the world of the dead. It is opened three times a year, including on November 8, when departed souls return to Earth. The Roman afterlife also had evil spirits.

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at the same time, all saints day, Which commemorates the martyrs of Christianity, was established by Pope Boniface IV in the seventh century and moved to November 1. This was done in part to replace pagan festivals of the dead, such as the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Roman festival of Mundus Patite, in areas where the church had spread its rituals.

despite of Halloween Initially banned among American settlers, American society, with strong traditional and agricultural roots, developed its own traditions and festivals, including thanksgiving day, Which includes Halloween elements.

The Halloween holiday, although having no Mexican roots, has become a widely recognized and enjoyed celebration in Mexico. (IDT)

Immigration, especially Irish in the 19th century, brought with it Halloween customs. In the twentieth century, this holiday was standardized in the United States, especially among the younger ones. In this way, it has become a universal date celebrated Harvest, dead and fun.

The introduction of Halloween in Mexico was largely due to the cultural influence of the United States. Over the past few decades, the celebration of Halloween has become increasingly popular in the country, especially among young people. the Festive It became an opportunity to Dress up, organize parties and collect candy Door to door.

Although there are no roots mexican cultural, Halloween has been adopted as a commercial holiday and a form of fun for many people in Mexico. This is partly due to globalization and the spread of popular culture through music, film and television, which has led to the adoption of Halloween traditions around the world.

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It is important to highlight this Halloween Not to be confused with day of the dead, A Mexican holiday with deep cultural and spiritual roots in the country. It is celebrated on November 1 and 2, It is an occasion to honor and remember deceased loved ones, and is marked by offerings, altars and visits to cemeteries.

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Halloween in Mexico It is a phenomenon that has developed over time, influenced by Celtic traditions and American popular culture. Although it lacks Mexican cultural roots, it has found a place in the country’s holiday calendar as an opportunity for fun, entertainment, and creativity through costumes and festive celebrations.

Terry Alexander

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