viral | He is Latino and he said what he suffers from in the US: “It is not used” | Tik Tok | USA | Nandamer | uses

Thousands of Latinos already enjoy a different lifestyle in United State, with all the advantages of dollars and jobs. However, not everything will be great for Lucas. He’s Argentine and described some things he “didn’t like” about his stay at the American giant. What did he mean? His video is already something to talk about among citizens and has gone viral on TikTok.

Lucas is known as @ on TikTok and identified himself as an established traveler; His girlfriend accompanies him whenever she can on his travels. but, flin the United States, it is already like a second home despite the difficulties of transportation and buying in supermarkets: Something I can criticize in this country.He started his story.

Fast food and transportation

The tiktoker, from Argentina, left nothing behind by sharing a few negative things about the US, in fact, he made a list of just that. Soon my list of “things to criticize” accumulated over 1.8 million views And thousands of citizens who agreed with him.

Watch the viral video

“The thing I can criticize in this country is that there are no local businesses like the typical neighborhood stores, butchers, or greengrocers that we see in Latin America.”Lucas admitted how difficult it can be to go to malls, in case you don’t live in residential areas.

It is precisely in the food that Lucas II’s critique occurred: “It is very easy to be tempted by junk food. In terms of cost, it is cheaper to buy. Cooking at home is not commonplace. In this country, time is precious.”according to the average American’s diet, because it defines them as “People in a hurry” and time “very valuable”.

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Likewise, he makes another important point about transportation in the United States, because it implies that you have your own car: “The thing I can criticize in this country is that there are no local businesses like the typical neighborhood stores, butchers, or greengrocers that we see in Latin America.”Especially when he has to travel miles just to stock up on canned food, Lucas said.

“I would be the number one neighborhood store”, “You lack racism, discrimination and negative oppression”, “Yes, they exist, but you have to look for Latino neighborhoods”, “The negative is the USA”are some of the comments left by Lucas’ experience, whose TikTok channel is brimming with tips and advice on what to do when traveling to the US.

It’s incredible how the United States has so many differences with Latin America, from the way they throw garbage…”, said a netizen.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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