What is required to perform an RTO?

Friday, December 1, 2023


In the mandatory technical inspection (RTO) sheds for vehicles, Play escuo He spoke with Geronimo, Director of Vehicle Control at Catamarca, who explained the procedure for carrying out the monitoring: “It is complete control of the car. Everything related to the front axle, rear axle, lights, brakes and suspension is controlled.

In this regard, he stated that this is a control that must be carried out for the sake of security, that is, so that those traveling in the car, as well as third parties, can travel with peace of mind.

Regarding the demand for the service they provide, he expressed: “Before the pandemic, in the summer season, from mid-December until the end of February, the demand was amazing, but now the pandemic has distributed it because people who were traveling for the summer were unable to do so because of the pandemic and did not do the RTO.” . Later, while the government was releasing people so they could travel, they did it all year round, which is good for us because they don’t get too crowded in the summer, and now this year, thank God, all year round. The year worked well. I know there will be demand from December 10 onwards, there will be demand, but not as much as I knew there would be before.

Regarding the requirements for implementing this procedure, he explained: “You must bring the vehicle card, which was called the green card, and it can be the owner’s card or the authorization card. You must bring the license of the person who is driving. Anyone can come with a car, it doesn’t just have to be the owner, anyone can come, the problem is that everyone who drives the car has a valid and authorized license for the said vehicle.

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Updated prices:

Private cars: $9,530, minivans: $14,400, heavy vehicles: $25,000, taxis and vans $8,300, urban buses $19,500. Motorcycle prices range from: $1,900, depending on the cylinder capacity, to $12,000.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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