What is machine reading, the new way to read texts at high speed

longing for Read fasterto integrate more data from the text at a higher speed, to beat the rhythm imposed by the naturally written word, has always been there. Read more in less time but without resorting to the abstract, which delegates to someone else the decision of what to include in the assembly and what not to include. Here it is about reading the original text, but respecting the premise of time: everything, but faster.

This is the aim of the new fashionable method of speed reading, called (perhaps very ambitiously) “electronic reading”, which, like previous methods, has led to a debate: do you really read faster? And if that happens: can we really log more information in less time?

It’s a matter of trying: here it’s not really about the classic diagonal readingor other alternatives closer in time, closer to screens, such as those Displays one word at a time with a special character of another color. What is it here Bold the initials of all words in the text, to allow the brain to reconstruct the word and sentence; In theory, you’ll do this faster than if we read all the letters of the word.

This is the claim behind the company that developed the e-reader, an idea from Switzerland Renato Cassot, type designer Who found in this way a method for quick reading easy to implement in any site or text. In fact, your company Provides a link where you can paste text To test the efficiency of the system, which can be configured to modify the appearance of the text.

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Developer promises to offer soon An extension of chromeThis allows the implementation of this system in all texts of any site visited. Although the official version has not yet been published, it is possible to use another similar tool, As mentioned in Genbetawhich takes advantage of the system’s API to accurately implement e-reading on any site visit (the API, in this case, a tool that Casutt provides so others can integrate their creator’s off-site speed-reading system). The extension is on GitHub, where it shows how it can be added to Chrome.

Its difference with other methods, certainly due to Casutt’s expertise in the area, is that you can adjust the font used, the size, the separation of lines and characters, and even the number of characters for each word that stands out, to help speed up text reading.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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