Uruguay and France call for “borderless” science exchange

Montevideo, March 4th. Highlighting Franco-Uruguayan cooperation in the field of development, promoting technology and innovation before public opinion, among others, are some of the objectives of the first edition of the meeting and series of conferences on science and society that Uruguay will host between 13 and March. 14.

This is the first edition of “Without Borders” within the framework of the “Meetings of the Capital” which also seeks to promote dialogue between scholars and young people in an activity promoted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay (MEC), the University of the Republic (Udelar), the Embassy of France in Uruguay and the Academic Group for Development .

Likewise, this initiative proposes to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge, with a primary focus on women, youth, and entrepreneurs.

In this sense, during the first day, the “Science and Society” exhibitions of the French physicist and expert in nanosciences Catherine Breckignac will take place.

In addition, Professor of Urbanism Jean-Robert Pitt, Professor Emeritus of Geography and Urbanism at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, will present “Geography in the Service of Ecological Governance, Prosperity and Peace.”

The closing of the first day will be in charge of the exhibition “France and Uruguay: 30 years of contributions to science and society”.

Tuesday’s proposal will include several round tables, which will touch on various topics such as the role of women in science, dissemination of scientific knowledge and transformations of the world of work in the twenty-first century.

The Uruguayan representation will be headed by Ricardo Ehrlich, Doctor of State in Physical Sciences from Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg, Professor of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences who will speak with dozens of local speakers on various topics related to science.

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The meeting will take place in the Vaz Ferreira Auditorium in the Uruguayan capital during the first day, while the second meeting will be in the Udelar Auditorium and will open with simultaneous interpretation into French. EFE

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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