Urola Erdia celebrates its 4th Science and Technology Fair in Azpetia

Azpetia – After the interruption of the last two sessions due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Plaza Nagusia de Azpeitia will host tomorrow (from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm) the 4th Urola Erdia Science and Technology Fair; An event promoted by the Education District of the European Development Agency Iraorgi Beritzen that will publicize projects implemented by ESO and Bachiller students in the district throughout the current academic year.

Specifically, the exhibition will serve as a framework for the presentation of nine projects developed by students of Azkoitia BHI, Floreaga Salestar Ikastetxea, Iraurgi Ikastetxea, Azpeitiko Ikastola Ikasberri and Urola Ikastola.

Three of these projects have been framed in the field of biology (Ecology Ibaien; Harraldeko Ikerketa s Bizilagun Mikroskopikoak); one in chemistryEzkotoko Azukrin Bella!); three in technology (Baratza Addementswa; EkiMaker Aurkiteitor s Zubiak Ariki); one in lab techniques (Txanpuen Kimika) and one in science (Zero Zapor).

The exhibition will serve as a front for an initiative launched in the 2016/2017 academic year with the main objective of “working hobbies and scientific and technological skills among youth in the region through the development of scientific and technological projects”.

Elkarrekin Ageikitzen Today (from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm) Elkargunea de Azkoitia will host the closing ceremony of the ninth session of the project Elkarrekin Ageikitzen; This course was attended by about 250 male and female students from the five training centers mentioned above.

Students in this course were able to learn about the socio-economic reality of the valley through analysis and identification of the challenges faced by around 50 agents in the region from different regions.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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