Two new species of tarantula have been discovered and are already at risk of extinction due to humans

Although they were found only recently, these two insects are already at risk from human activity.

Two tarantulas found in Ecuador are threatened by habitat loss

One might think that planet Earth no longer holds secrets for humans.However, it is a wrong thought. On this long and wide planet, there are still many mysteries to be solved, including the cataloging of many unknown animal species. Experts have now found it in Ecuador Two new tarantulasBut they are already in danger from humans.

Tarantulas are similar to spiders, except they are larger and have a different lifestyle. The two species found by a group of experts in Ecuador may not be among the 10 largest spiders in the world, nor are they mutants. But it is an example that there is still much to be discovered on Earth.

Two tarantulas discovered in Ecuador are already in danger

The two new species are classified as Psalmopoeus satanás and Psalmopoeus cronoarache. Their names were not chosen randomly by researchers, quite the contrary, it is a play on words between “spider” and “time” derived from Greek. That's right, with these expert names They wanted to warn of the urgency of the matter and the lack of time to protect them.

It is a cruel irony that these two new tarantula species added to Ecuador's insect catalog are already endangered by habitat loss just weeks after they were found. Exploratory researchers who located the samples They have set the point where, if nothing is done, they will disappear Like many other animals.

Two new species of tarantula have been discovered and are already at risk of extinction due to humans

Psalmopoeus satanas (left) and Psalmopoeus cronoarachne (right) are threatened by habitat loss and the illegal pet trade. Source: IfScience.

According to preliminary studies conducted, it appears in ZooKeysThis species is threatened with extinction due to mining and agricultural practices in the region. Both interventional and intensive activities were implemented. We will have to wait and see what happens in the coming months and years to see if the Ecuadorian authorities will take action in this regard. Or they miss the opportunity to protect the species.

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It is too early to know what will happen to both species. For now, the team of zoologists enjoyed They became fond of the specimen known as “The Devil” because of his bad temper And his repeated attacks while in captivity.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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