Today we have a new game for Xbox Game Pass

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We're kicking off Monday the way we like best, sharing with you the arrival of a new game for Xbox Game Pass. April begins the same way March ended, with new games for the service in the first days of the month.

We have access to Xbox Game Pass today and tomorrow, and in total, in two days, we have received no more and no less than three new games for the service. next to, We still have to find out what other games will be coming to Xbox during the first half of AprilSo we don't think it will take long to announce it, stay tuned for more games on the way.

New game for Xbox Game Pass

Enjoy a new dinosaur survival experience beyond your wildest dreams…as Ark is reinvented from the ground up for the next generation of video game technology with Unreal Engine 5!

You wake up on a mysterious island, your senses flooded with bright sunlight and gorgeous colors reflecting on every surface around you, and the blue waters of a lush island moving in front of your bare feet.

  • Astronomy: Survival ascended – Console, PC and cloud – April 1

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