“Through My Window”

It could be the title of a novel – in fact – also a recent Netflix production title inspired by a novel focused on the “centenary” universe, which became a mass phenomenon in a matter of days with over 30 million hours of viewing.

Through our “window” – TV – we continue to enjoy content and stories that allow us to escape and entertain ourselves from the comfort of home and in the comfort of an endless variety show. And no, big-screen consumption isn’t a thing of the past, nor is it a thing of the baby-boom generation. Now what prevails is the provision of content and the manner and time of its consumption.

Traditionally, linear television has been easily identified and defined, as a means of reaching an audience, but as the world of channels, services and platforms continues to expand, Brands need to analyze their existence in greater depth, Accurately target the audience. Therefore, one critical move for brands will be to put the message and tone of communication in front of these audiences, being willing to leave their comfort zone to reveal and develop their USP according to what the viewer expects of them, not inverted.

We’ll see more and more Marketers and agencies Move to these new opportunities in visual entertainment as technology transformation initiatives unlock greater potential through innovations such as television advertising.”addressInteractive or virtual reality.

As marketing undergoes this change, greater collaboration and better partnerships will be essential to bridge the two worlds: the display and brand experience, as well as blending emerging shopping and social experiences with interactive TV to help bridge this gap. This will give brands a real opportunity and thus “to develop better creative solutions that fit the purposes of addressable TV,” he explained. ultimate Our exclusive group solution that allows, with a single access point to the addressable TV ecosystem-that brands reach the right audience, establish appropriate connections with viewers and have a more direct and effective impact on business results.

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In our annual observatory, Mindshare TrendsWe’ve already highlighted that traditional media that allows you to buy interactively is on the rise, with television being the driving force behind this growth. The growing trend of Shopable TV It began in the United States tracing its way in Europe. The application of QR codes in advertising, as well as integrated solutions such as the use of AI for image recognition, are already becoming popular. Specifically, with our client Boots, a branded shoppable content agreement with a program love islandthrough which we were able to test this advertising method for the first time in the UK.

If a viewer of the show is interested in an on-screen product, they can select more information and view it in real time using their remote control and make a purchase through the supplier’s website or a link sent to their phone.

Continuing to focus on continually improving the experience of consuming content on TV, Netflix, for example, is betting more and more on virtual and augmented reality with its netflix VR appwhich allows for enriched immersion in broadcast content, as well as in the hitherto secret attempt to produce its own show of exclusive video games under Oculus technology.

It’s really about adopting an innovative view toward a window of view like television, and unfair stigmatization as in perpetual regression. Our job is to formulate hypotheses, be bold, test them and learn from them, as well as make meaningful tests that allow us to draw strong conclusions that can be scaled up.

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Let’s not be afraid to say “we want to do something new in the TV environment”. We can now speak to the public in a different way, with hitherto unimaginable suggestions.

The window is open and invites us to look through it…let us not be as conservative as it might suggest Alfred Hitchcock Back in 1954.

Text from Antolínez Galetti, a partner Innovation and content Mindshare Spain.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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