This week the Senate will seek to turn it into law

The House of Representatives approved the draft budget for 2023 in the last days of OctoberAfter an intense session in which the Todos Front managed to punish them with its own votes, regional powers and radical legislators were framed in Together for Change.

Indeed, at that meeting, which took place between the 25th of October and the beginning of the 26th, The bill received 180 votes in favour, 22 against and 49 abstentions and became the project that received the most support in the House of Representatives since 2012 to date.

The 2023 Budget Bill went to the Senate, where, after two meetings of the Budget and Treasury Committee, held on November 2 and 3, it obtained majority opinion with the signatures of legislators from the All-Front and its ally together we. Do Rio Negro, Alberto Weretelnik.

In the early days lawmakers listened to the Secretary of Economic Programming, Gabriel Rubinstein; Treasury Raúl Rigo; and Finance, Eduardo Sti. The next day, the block, the first minority in the Senate, got the necessary signatures to bring the bill to the ground. However, the ruling party took another week before the issue was discussed in a session.

This week, when activity in the Senate has been scarce, there have been only a handful of meetings on topics unrelated to economics and politics. The Senate preferred to wait a little longer before bringing the issue to the floor because some lawmakers weren’t around.

In fact, Weretelnik, of Rio Negro, of Together We are Rio Negro, and Ignacio Torres of Chubut, of Together for Change, traveled to the United States to observe the evolution of last Tuesday’s midterm elections.

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Added to the absence of both legislators is the absence of Jose Mayan, head of the Todos Joint Front bloc, who is still in hospital due to health problems.

Based on expectations, If the Todos Front saw all its members, except the Maya, and maintains the support of its allies from Rio Negro, High Futuro Argentina and the Front Renovador de la Concordia, it would not even need a vote of the opposition to get the project approved.

What does the 2023 budget say?

The draft 2023 budget sent by the executive branch, which was amended while passed by deputies, is expected Global expenditures of approximately $29 billion, a fiscal deficit of 1.9%, an inflation principle of 60%, and 70% of resources are allocated to social items..

The resource accounts planned for next year amounted to 22,554,178,961,624, and for this reason it seeks to reduce the deficit from 2.5% in 2022 to 1.9 in 2023, which is equivalent to approximately 6,400 million pesos.

This will be the second budget of the four that the Alberto Fernandez government should have had, since since taking office in 2019, the Executive has decided to redirect the expense and resource account from the previous year to 2020, without taking into account the project prepared by the administration of Mauricio Macri.

In 2020, it was able to approve the budget for 2021, at the end of that year, after the change in the composition of the councils due to the defeat of the Tudos Front in the midterm legislative elections, the opposition refused to cast it. They voted and the government became an outlaw in 2022.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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