This is how Apple achieved aluminum that does not stain iPhone SE

Apple used green aluminum in iPhone SE!

The commitment I’ve been making since 2016 by Californian Green has crystallized thanks to the large-scale use of so-called carbon-free **”green aluminum” in the production of the iPhone SE.

On this occasion, the usual rumors overflowed and Apple was responsible for announcing it through a press release where Repeat the use of carbon-free raw materials for future productsUsing a new, environmentally friendly manufacturing process.

Milestone in environmental commitment

The third generation iPhone SE is an interesting option

Perhaps the most important aspect of the advertisement is that aluminum was presented by the pioneers of Cupertino in Synergy with ELYSIS Industrial R&D Center In Quebec for the iPhone SE, it’s the first to be manufactured on an industrial scale outside of a lab, with no direct carbon emissions during the casting process.

The story is not new. Apple has been using nicer aluminum behind the scenes since 2019 in its 16-inch MacBook Pro and since 2018, it has helped fund development of the technology, along with Alcoa, Rio Tinto, and the Canadian and Quebec governments, starting in 2018.

In 2019, Apple bought the first commercial batch of aluminum from the joint venture, and used it in the production of the 16-inch MacBook Pro. Every product in the iPad lineup, including the new iPad Air, along with the latest MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, and Apple Watch, is made with 100% recycled aluminum housing.

Unlike the polluting method of smelting aluminum, which dates back about 130 years, revolutionary process Embedded apple Produces oxygen instead of greenhouse gases, which means no carbon emissions. Until now, aluminum was only produced through the use of carbon anodes which, upon contact with oxygen in the air, produce carbon dioxide.

The new process uses ceramic and the residue is nothing more than oxygen. The company’s official announcement confirms that “the investment was part of the Green Bond Program, first announced in 2017, which raises money to fund environmentally friendly initiatives, from energy production to manufacturing operations.”

Until now, Apple issued $4.7 billion in bonds with the goal of becoming carbon-friendly Across the supply chain by 2030, from the first two projects in 2016 and 2017, to the current 2019 Green Bond supporting 50 projects, including the development of low-carbon aluminum.

Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of environment, policy and social initiatives, said the company reaffirms its commitment to “leaving the planet better than we found it, and our green bonds are a key tool to advance our environmental efforts.”

The three green bonds dedicated to different projects illustrate how investments contribute to reducing global emissions and providing clean energy to communities around the world.

Jackson explained that investments are advancing in innovative technologies to reduce the carbon footprint left by raw materials, while directing them toward recyclable and renewable materials to conserve the planet’s resources.

As part of this initiative, Apple is purchasing carbon-neutral aluminum to reduce emissions, the first aluminum to be manufactured on an industrial scale outside a lab without directly creating carbon emissions during the smelting process.

The innovative smelting process of one of the world’s most widely used metals has the potential to reduce the climate impact of the production process and is a milestone by switching to molten recycled aluminum using hydropower instead of fossil fuels.

More than $500 million in 2019 green bonds have been allocated to clean energy projects, including the world’s largest onshore wind turbine, which powers the company’s data center in Vyborg, Denmark.

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Lovell Loxley

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