This is a picture of Alex Saab, who is being held in the United States

File photo of a woman walking past a mural calling for the release of Colombian businessman and envoy Alex Saab, who is being held in Cape Verde on charges of money laundering for the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela. September 9, 2021. REUTERS/Leonardo Fernandez Filória

In the last hours the case of Alex Saab, the alleged front man of the leader of the Venezuelan dictatorship, Nicolas Maduro, took a drastic turn when he was extradited to the United States. On the afternoon of October 17, the police file of the Colombian businessman was leaked, and the current photo appeared in it. The man looks pale and has long hair. In addition, it can be seen that he is already wearing the orange uniform typical of inmates of the North American country.

A difficult face is striking, because for months his lawyers confirmed that the businessman is in a serious condition. It is said that in recent months his client’s health has worsened due to the illness he suffers from, which has not been treated and has not been examined by adequate medical teams.

It should be noted that before his arrival in the United States, Saab was detained on the island of Sal, north of Cape Verde, and there was talk of his transfer to the island of Santiago, where Praia, the capital of the African country, is located, where he could get better care, but this permission was not effectively. On Sal Island, the man was under house arrest, but even so, doctors couldn’t do much for him from home because they didn’t have the special equipment.

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Sacha Woodward

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